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Risc OS: Firefox port released
Risc OS teh operating system which was formerly delivered with Acorn's Archimedes RiscPC homecomputers and is - just like the AmigaOS and alikes - on it's long and stoney way to a new hardware.

Risc OS suffered to a problem which should be well knwon to all Amiga folks: Decent websites were only limited usable with the available browsers (at least six deiffernt ones!) due to lack of proper Javascript or CSS support.

Since yesterday Risc OS users may use a beta version of Firefox. In a recent thread at the author Peter "chocky" Naulls describes some of the occuring problems and tehir solution while doing the port. (cg) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 21. Jun. 2005, 15:24] [Comments: 0]
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Pegasosforum (Webseite)

MorphOS: Snoopium 1.1 published
Version 1.1 of the open source system monitor "Snoopium" based on SnoopDOS is now available. Apart from various bug fixes the program window may now be resized. Additionally the toolbar-options "framed" and "images only" were added. (snx) (Translation: nba)

[News message: 21. Jun. 2005, 09:41] [Comments: 0]
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PegXMac mailing list

PegXMac: version 1.4.2 for Pegasos II finished
David Benthams Live CD PegXMac for Mac-on-Linux is now available for the Pegasos II in version 1.4.2.

  • G3 and G4 versions combined (separate root structure)
  • Installer of the Pegasos I version added
  • Installer now asks for the file system used on the boot partition, that is FFS, SFS EXT2 or EXT3
  • File manager (Midnight Commander) added to the molmenu
  • Shutdown and reboot are now available in the molmenu as separate functions
  • Amiga-fdisk can now detect up to 20 partitions
  • Pre-empt function added to the kernel
(snx) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 18. Jun. 2005, 20:31] [Comments: 0]
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11.Jun.2005 (website)

GUI-Toolkit: RxMUI v42.2
"RxMUI" gives ARexx programmers the possibility to create complex graphical user interfaces. (cg) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 11. Jun. 2005, 19:40] [Comments: 0]
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Carsten Siegner (ANF)

MorphOS: Update for OS4Emu
Ilkka Lehtoranta released an update for his wrapper OS4Emu (compatibility list). A new version of the os4loader.library gives a slightly improved compatibility. The update contains just this library and needs OS4Emu 1.7.

Direct download: os4emu-update (6 KB) (cg) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 11. Jun. 2005, 18:53] [Comments: 0]
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11.Jun.2005 (website)

Internet radio: AmiPodder 1.0 receives Podcast streams
Robert Williams released version 1.0 of his Amiga Podcast receiver program AmiPodder. Podcasting is a method for audio broadcasting (usually in MP3 format) with a minimum of infrastructur. With a receiver program like AmiPodder you can pull the Podcast feeds.

AmiPodder is an ARexx program that uses rxMUI and that needs a browser or a download manager for downloading the Podcasts. The playback is done with AmigaAMP or TuneNet. The Podcasts can also be sent to an external device like an MP3 player.

Download: AmiPodder.lha (47 KB) (cg) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 11. Jun. 2005, 17:48] [Comments: 0]
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