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Aminet-Uploads until 16.07.2006
Aminet-Uploads since our last report:
adfbar.lha          biz/dopus    27K  OS3  Makes Compressed ADFs (G/PKZip) with Opu
PPC_samples.lha     biz/patch   369K  PUP  PPC samples distributed with SCPPC patch
scppc_beta22.lha    biz/patch   1.8M  VAR  Experimental SAS/C++ PPC
transmission.lha    comm/misc    70K  OS4  A BITTorrent command line clone
lpd-ppc.lha         comm/tcp     26K  OS4  Simple line printer daemon
PvD_IBrowse.lha     comm/www    1.4M  GEN  HQ 24bit IBrowse navigation panel
SpamReport.lha      comm/yam      5K  GEN  Prepare spam reports to SpamCop
old-autoconf.lha    dev/gg      196K  OS4  package to generate configure scripts
check4gb.lha        disk/misc    21K  OS3  Check if your HD setup is 4GB-ready
LHA_HD_Install.lha  disk/misc   115K  GEN  HardDisk install system for 1.x 2.x 3.x+
AMP2-MOS.lha        gfx/show    543K  MOS  AmiDog's Movie Player 2
GNUboy-src.lha      misc/emu    224K  GEN  Source code for GNUboy 1.03
ZXLive.lha          misc/emu    100K  OS3  ZX-Spectrum 48/128k/Pentagon Emulator
digifilter.lha      misc/sci     85K  MOS  Digital FIR filter design software
AmySequencer.lha    mus/edit    264K  OS3  MIDI sequencer for the AMIGA
rockbeat.lha        mus/edit    1.7M  OS4  Create drumming tracks and export them a
ADPCM_dec.lha       mus/misc     17K  OS3  Decoder for Christian Buchner's ADPCM pa
playOGG.lha         mus/play    1.0M  OS3  Plays OGG, MP3, FLAC, VOB, AC3, RA, mods
RemoteRecord.lha    mus/play     10K  GEN  Arexx script remote controller for AHIRe
f-req.lha           util/batch    9K  OS3  A "RequestFile" like program for 1.x 2.x
GetModeID.lha       util/moni    11K  OS3  Gets screen mode ID in hex and decimal
UnCPS-AGA.lha       util/pack     7K  OS3  Tools to UNPACK/PACK/VIEW CPS/CMP files
stms.lha            util/rexx   504K  GEN  *(.dclst).xml, manipulation scripts
(cg) (Translation: aj)

[News message: 17. Jul. 2006, 00:28] [Comments: 0]
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