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Archiv 'Updates for hardware and software products'

13.Dec.2005 (Software-Liste)

MorphOS: BitTorrent 4.3.2
The MorphOS porting of the filesharing program BitTorrent is now available in the version 4.3.2. An overview of the improvements or settlement of the mistakes can be seen in the Change-Log

Download: bittorrent-4.3.2-morphos.lha (8 MB) (snx) (Translation: iw)

[News message: 13. Dec. 2005, 07:21] [Comments: 0]
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12.Dec.2005 (Webseite)

Linux: Debian-Kernel 2.6.8-16 for the AmigaOne
Linked to the Title you will find the modified Linux-Kernel in Version 2.6.8-16, which supports Debian on a AmigaOne, but only without a GX-CPU.

This Kernel based on the DMA-Patch from Gerhard Pircher. ( reports). (snx) (Translation: aj)

[News message: 12. Dec. 2005, 15:01] [Comments: 0]
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Jan Zahurancik (ANF)

WinUAE: Update package 1.02 for AmiKit
A v1.0.2 update package is available for AmiKit 1.0 (or 1.01). Besides new and updated software it does also include a configuration for Directory Opus 4. The package does also contain the previous 1.01 update.

  • ADDED: excellent DirOpus4 configuration created for AmiKit by Pavel Pok
  • ADDED: GMPlay 1.3 + GMPlayMUI 1.2 + gmtones + MidiFiles
  • ADDED: XPK packing options to DirOpus5 User Menu
  • UPDATED: FlashPlayer 1.2
  • UPDATED: MCC_TextEditor 15.17
  • UPDATED: MMKeyboard enabled by default. Adjust your PC keyboard to your needs by AmiKit:Utilities/EXPANSION/MMKeyboard/MMKeyboard
  • UPDATED: AmiKit.exe warns you if the name of your Win partition is in conflict with AmiKit
  • UPDATED: handling of DirOpus5 XPK and XFD filetypes
  • FIXED: bad recognizing of DirOpus5 Sound Module filetype
Troubleshooting: It might happen that IPrefs crashes during the boot process (behind the bootpicture so this picture never disappears). In that case just reset AmiKit and try to boot again.

Download page (snx)

[News message: 12. Dec. 2005, 13:14] [Comments: 0]
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Aminet-Uploads til 11.12.2005
Aminet-Uploads since out last report:
netclock.lha              comm/misc    47K  GEN  Set Clock from daytime (atomic) servers
MCC_TextEditor-15.17.lha  dev/mui     336K  VAR  Texteditor custom class for MUI
Bomns_OS4.lha             game/actio  1.2M  OS4  2 player bomb your friend game.
ularn.lha                 game/actio  501K  OS4  Ularn - ultra Larn
Knoga_OS4.lha             game/board  1.1M  OS4  Knoga yatzee game
sudoku.lha                game/board  365K  OS4  Sudoku -  a number-based puzzle/game
WoodenBars.lha            game/demo    43K  OS3  Simple bars game for all the PAL AMIGAs
amphetamine_OS4beta.lha   game/jump   1.3M  OS4  Plattform game with puzzles.
DiskWar_OS4.lha           game/misc   205K  OS4  Strange tennis type of a game.
RoadFighter_OS4.lha       game/race   5.8M  OS4  A remake of the great RoadFighter from k
Aklabeth_OS4.lha          game/role   368K  OS4  Ultima Zero
angband.lha               game/role   1.3M  OS4  Angband - a modern rogue-like RPG game
ivan-src.lha              game/role   907K  GEN  Sources for IVAN
ivan.lha                  game/role   2.7M  OS4  Iter Vehemens ad Necem: a rogue-like RPG
tome.lha                  game/role   3.4M  OS4  T.o.M.E. - Tales of Middle Earth (Angban
AlienPool_OS4.lha         game/shoot  6.2M  OS4  Strange asteroids clone with lots of new
Cyclone_OS4.lha           game/shoot  1.2M  OS4  Smooth scrolling shoot em up.
sdl-toms.lha              game/think  381K  OS4  An SDL "Atoms" clone
FlashPlayer.lha           gfx/show    308K  OS3  Flash (SWF) format file player
FlashPlayerSrc.lha        gfx/show    195K  GEN  Source Code for FlashPlayer v. 1.2
shim-src.lha              gfx/show     28K  MOS  C src+binary of shim, a CLI image viewer
prism2.lha                hard/drivr  139K  VAR  Driver for 11Mbps wireless network cards
amines_lh5.lha            misc/emu    451K  OS4  Nintendo 8-bit emulator (SDL-based)
amines_os4.lha            misc/emu    448K  OS4  Nintendo 8-bit emulator (SDL-based)
digifilter.lha            misc/sci     56K  MOS  Digital FIR filter design software
protracker23.lha          mus/edit    423K  OS4  Protracker 2.3d rewritten (beta 2)
os4theme.lha              pix/theme   828K  GEN  AmigaOS4 Theme for Classic Amigas runnin
wb13screen.gif            pix/wb       10K  GEN  workbench 1.3 cli window
dme.lha                   text/edit   325K  OS4  DME - text editor.
Next.lha                  text/show   146K  OS3  Viewer for text/guides/html/datatypes
BEEP.lha                  util/cli      3K  OS3  Baer friendly audio BEEP command.
Mount-AmigaOS.lha         util/cli     40K  OS3  Unofficial "Mount" command backport for 
DiskMaster.lha            util/dir    394K  VAR  DiskMaster2 - 68K & OS4
bahcount-src.lha          util/misc    41K  MOS  Counts down until Bush leaves office
beav.lha                  util/misc   131K  OS4  BEAV - emacs style file editor
joytest_CP.lha            util/misc    33K  OS3  Tool to test Joysticks/Joypads/CD32 pads
wet.lha                   util/wb     671K  OS4  Weather conditions on Workbench 4, AppIc
(cg) (Translation: aj)

[News message: 12. Dec. 2005, 00:14] [Comments: 0]
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12.Dec.2005 Uploads til 11.12.2005 uploads since our last report:
5inarow.lha       gam/boa  272kb  5 in a row tic tac toe
roadfighter.lha   gam/dri    5Mb  A remake of the great RoadFighter from k
ivan-src.lha      gam/rol  906kb  Sources for IVAN
ivan.lha          gam/rol    2Mb  Iter Vehemens ad Necem: a rogue-like RPG
dme.lha           uti/tex  325kb  DME - text editor.
bomns.lha         gam/act    1Mb  2 player bomb your friend game.
amines.lha        emu/gam  447kb  NES Emulator
angband.lha       gam/rol    1Mb  Angband - a modern rogue-like RPG game
tome.lha          gam/rol    3Mb  T.o.M.E. - Tales of Middle Earth (Angban
wet.lha           uti/wor  670kb  Weather conditions on Workbench 4, AppIc
protracker23.lha  aud/tra  423kb  Protracker 2.3d rewritten (beta 2)
cyclone.lha       gam/act    1Mb  Smooth scrolling shoot em up.
ularn.lha         gam/adv  501kb  Ularn - ultra Larn
diskwar.lha       gam/mis  205kb  Strange tennis type of a game.
sdl-toms.lha      gam/puz  380kb  An SDL "Atoms" clone
sudoku.lha        gam/puz  365kb  Sudoku -  a number-based puzzle/game
rmouse.lzx        dri/inp   14kb  Bootmouse driver for OS4's USB stack wit
alienpool.lha     gam/act    6Mb  Strange asteroids clone with lots of new
knoga.lha         gam/boa    1Mb  Yatzee game for OS4.
amphetamine.lha   gam/pla    1Mb  Plattform game with puzzles.
aklabeth.lha      gam/rol  367kb  Ultima Zero
(cg) (Translation: aj)

[News message: 12. Dec. 2005, 00:14] [Comments: 0]
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AROS-Archives: Uploads til 11.12.2005
aros-archive uploads since our last report:  net/cha   99kb  AiRcOS - AROS IRC Client
(cg) (Translation: aj)

[News message: 12. Dec. 2005, 00:13] [Comments: 0]
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Rudolph Riedel (ANF)

File Manager: DiskMaster 2.6 released
Since today, the file manager DiskMaster2 is available in version 2.6 for AmigaOS 3.x and AmigaOS 4. Counted among the numerous changes, which you can gather from the enclosed file in detail, is particularly that Reaction is now made use of extensively.

However, the program is still content with V41 here, wherefore the 68K version of DiskMaster2 still runs under MorphOS, provided that the classes from the ClassAct2Demo archive in Aminet are installed. The 68K version is compiled with SAS-C 6.58, the OS4 version, from the same source code, with GCC 4.0.2 and clib2 1.198. (snx) (Translation: cad)

[News message: 11. Dec. 2005, 18:09] [Comments: 0]
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11.Dec.2005 (Web page)

Burning Software: MakeCD 3.2d beta version 11
Version 3.2d beta 11 of the CD burning program MakeCD was released as early as November 21. In addition to the files contained in the archive, version 3.2c is required.

With the beta version 11, restrictions in creating ISO images are eliminated, as well as the illegal memory access during the import of .cue files. Newly added is the support for indexes in data tracks as well as following additional burners: Yamaha CRW8824S/CRW8824E, Teac CD-W512SB, Plextor PX-W4012S, PX-320A, PX-W4824E, PX-716A.

The version V3.2d beta 11 contains:
  • MakeCD 3.78 public beta 11 (Nov 21 2005)
  • makecdromfs.module 45.10 (12.05.2003)
  • ReadWrite.module 16.1 public beta 11 (Nov 21 2005)
  • SCSISupport.module 16.0 public beta 11 (Nov 21 2005)
  • CDR_JVC_Teac.driver 15.0 public beta 11 (Nov 21 2005)
  • CDR_Panasonic.driver 15.0 public beta 11 (Nov 21 2005)
  • CDR_Philips_2000.driver 15.0 public beta 11 (Nov 21 2005)
  • CDR_Philips_2600.driver 15.0 public beta 11 (Nov 21 2005)
  • CDR_Plextor_Ricoh.driver 15.0 public beta 11 (Nov 21 2005)
  • CDR_Ricoh_6200.driver 15.0 public beta 11 (Nov 21 2005)
  • CDR_SCSI3_ATAPI.driver 15.0 public beta 11 (Nov 21 2005)
  • CDR_Sony.driver 15.0 public beta 11 (Nov 21 2005)
  • CDR_Yamaha_10x.driver 15.0 public beta 11 (Nov 21 2005)
  • CD_ATAPI.driver 15.0 public beta 11 (Nov 21 2005)
  • CD_NEC.driver 15.0 public beta 11 (Nov 21 2005)
  • CD_ROM.driver 15.0 public beta 11 (Nov 21 2005)
  • CD_Sony_Plextor.driver 15.0 public beta 11 (Nov 21 2005)
  • CD_Toshiba.driver 15.0 public beta 11 (Nov 21 2005)
  • added recognition of Yamaha CRW8824S/CRW8824E, Teac CD-W512SB, Plextor PX-W4012S, PX-320A, PX-W4824E, PX-716A
  • removed restrictions in ISO image creation for all registered users
  • fixed invalid memory access when importing .cue file (caused crash under OS4.0)
  • allow setting and writing of indices in data tracks:
    • needed for some VideoCDs
    • only supported by CDR_SCSI_ATAPI.driver
  • added scanning of data tracks for indices:
    • needed to copy some VideoCDs correctly
    • only supported by CD_ATAPI.driver and CDR_SCSI_ATAPI.driver and if the drive itself supports reading sub channel data
Download: MakeCD32d_public_beta_11.lha (493 KB) (snx) (Translation: cad)

[News message: 11. Dec. 2005, 12:57] [Comments: 0]
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1 705 1405 ... <- 1410 1411 1412 1413 1414 1415 1416 1417 1418 1419 1420 -> ... 1425 1618 1816

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