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ANN (Web page)

MorphOS: Freespace - The Great War / Update to Freespace 2
Under the title link, Michal 'kiero' Wozniak has released a MorphOS port of "Freespace: The Great War" as well as an update to Freespace 2.

Among other things, the update offers a better video playback as well as an improved high-resolution mode. To activate the latter, you must enter "Videocard=OpenGL (1024x768)" in the .ini file.

The MorphOS version of "Freespace: The Great War" requires MorphOS 1.4.x, 3D drivers and the powersdl.library by Ilkka Lehtoranta. Though 256 MB RAM should suffice in the author's opinion, he cannot guarantee that everything already runs properly with it. A Radeon graphics card is strongly recommended.

Network games are not available in the existing version. Moreover, only the "Silent Threat" mod was tested.

For the installation, you need the 2 CD version of the game (the English and the Polish versions were tested). Afterwards, copy the files of the MorphOS archive to the desired directory and start the installation script.

In principle, the port works with the Amiga version of Freespace as well, however, the films here were converted to another format, so that these are not played back. (snx) (Translation: cad)

[News message: 24. Sep. 2006, 17:07] [Comments: 0]
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