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Archiv 'New hardware and software products'

Christoph Gutjahr (ANF)

New timeline for AmigaOne
Under the title link you can find the new timeline for the AmigaOne. According to it the selling start is at the beginning of October.

Probably at the "secret" meeting at the Benelux Amiga Show they reached an agreement on it explained Alan Redhouse (Eyetech) at the AmigaOne mailinglist.

With this delay AmigaOS 4.0 becomes more important. Still in this version there will be the PPC native TCP/IP stack which according to Fleecy Moss (Amiga) was developed by Olaf "Olsen" Barthel and which is being tested with a 68k version.

There will be the new filesystem "AmFS2" and the support of virtuel memory already in 4.0 as well as drivers for SCSI and Ethernet.

Besides this Picasso96 and Warp3D drivers will be delivered for Voodoo3 (PCI/AGP), Matrox G450 (PCI/AGP) and Matrox G550 (AGP).

Contrary to the original plans USB- and soundcard-support (with "Soundblaster Live") will be there already in the BoingBags of OS 4.0 and not on OS 4.2. (ps)

[News message: 27. Jun. 2001, 20:23] [Comments: 0]
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DCE News: WIN-TV runs under DMA at GREX Board
We are proud to announce to you that after an intensive developingtime we have finished the first beta version of the WIN-TV driver based upon the chipset BT878/BT879.

This driver supports the G-REX PCI DMA mode. You as G-REX users are able to display an overlay window in any size or depth with a minimum of CPU time. To get a first impression you can look at this: voodootv_grab.jpg - 391 kB

The release of the end-product is to be expected within in the next four weeks. (ps)

[News message: 26. Jun. 2001, 14:18] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Future

AmiSectorOne: New members, games, demos, and covers
Probably you remember my news posting of 12 June which was called "New staff members are required". Finally I have made my choice and here are the new team members (sorted by the time they joined):
  • Marcos Alves from Portugal
  • Keith Michaels from the USA
  • Tony Whent from Australia
  • Holger Herrmann from Germany
The new team members will be responsible for different parts here on AMI Sector One. Also I am just working with a kind contributor called Gustavo to improve our scripts. Some other projects are in preparation too... More about this in the next weeks. You can read some notes about the new members in the staff section.

Now the games update:
Patricia Curtis (formerly project manager and assistant programmer at Apache Software) as well as Mark Page (formerly programmer at Apache Software) allowed us to upload the Amiga game Super Methane Bros. (a game similar to Bubble Bobble, but with better graphics and sounds). You can download different versions of this game: There is a CD32-HD version (does not run on emulators) and an ADF version. Like so often I would like to stress that this game is NOT freeware. P. Curtis and M. Page are still the copyright owners and they granted a permission which is ONLY valid for this site.

Btw: I am looking for the game "Murder makes strange Deadfollows CDTV" by Tiger Media. Is there somebody of you who has it? Please get in contact with me (Bernd)...

And here are the high quality Public Domain games of this update:
  • Jouster 3 (the arcade classic Joust for the Amiga)
  • Kamakazi Killers (good Galaga game)
  • Rattlesnake (street fighting game)

New AGA demos are:
  • Repugnance
  • Roswell
  • Response
  • Tear down the Wall
  • Some Justice
Also a disk with the results of the Amega Party - Gfx Competiton was uploaded.

Here are some new cover- and box scans:
  • A320 Airbus (the game itself will soon be available here)
  • Big 6- Dizzy Collection CD32
  • Case of the Cautious Condor CDTV
  • Chinese Karate
  • Euro Soccer '88
  • Fallen Angel
  • Hard Drivin'
And here is a last minute update:

You can now download ALL 18 LSD Sprint Docs Disks (Sprint Docs provide cheats, solutions, freezer addresses etc). Of course every Sprint Disk has got its own HTML and screenshots. Thanks to the new member Marcos who made it possible. I hope you enjoyed this update. In the future the updates will be bigger since the staff has grown. Also you can expect more updates during the week. (sd)

[News message: 25. Jun. 2001, 00:42] [Comments: 0]
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