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Archiv 'New hardware and software products'


Amiga port of SiN Finished, but...
From a posting of Ben Hermans of Hyperion Entertainment it is evident that the Amiga port of the game 'SiN' is ready but the actual Amiga hardware isn't enough to cope with the requirements of the game. The port will be hold back until the AmigaOne hits the market.

Hermans said that particularly the lower-end Blizzard acceleration cards couldn't offer the CPU speed needed for 'SiN'. (Translation: mj)

[News message: 12. May. 2001, 12:33] [Comments: 0]
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mozAmiga Site Updated
The mozAmiga site at has been updated. Interested programmers can find there a summary of the project and of the developers resources.

Amiga Inc. themselves want this port but for the time being there's only a reworked project manager available for the project. If you own the Amiga SDK and you'd like to bring some C++ code into the right form for the new system and want Netscape on the AmigaDE then have a look. (Translation: mj)

[News message: 12. May. 2001, 10:17] [Comments: 0]
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MorphOS News
AROS demos ported to MorphOS
Nicolas Sallin has achieved a masterpiece porting the AROS demos to MorphOS. "Enjoy fast bump mapping, gouraud shading and other nifty effects".
Download: AROSDemos.lha

The next version of MorphOS will contain an updated version of the graphics card software CyberGraphX which will run the demos a bit faster due to the optimized WriteLUTPixelArray().

More ports to MorphOS

xlhtml 0.2.8 PPC-MorphOS port by Fr3dY - converts Excel and Powerpoint files to HTML files.
Download: xlhtml028-mos.lha

ncftp 3.0.3 PPC-MorphOS by Fr3dY - update of the port of the FTP program NCFTP
Download: ncftp303-mos.lha

lynx 2.8.4dev20 PPC-MorphOS - Fr3dY has ported the text-only browser 'Lynx' to MorphOS.

bladeenc 0.94.1 PPC-MorphOS - MorphOS Port by Fr3dY of the MP3 encoder bladeenc with excellent quality and high bitrates.
Download: bladeenc0941-mos.lha (ps)

[News message: 11. May. 2001, 11:22] [Comments: 0]
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Christoph Meier (ANF)

Chip: Rumour: Matrox Introducing G550 Graphics Chip Next Week
»Alegedly Matrox will announce a new graphics chip, next week. This was announced by the Internet magazine "The Register" on Thursday. The chip by the name of G550 will be the successor of the current graphics processor G450 and is supposed to be brought to the market by June. «
Complete article (German) under the title link. (ps)

[News message: 10. May. 2001, 12:33] [Comments: 0]
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