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Archiv 'New hardware and software products'

Thomas Steiding (e.p.i.c. interactive) via E-Mail

New Multiplatform-CD: Amiga ClassiX 3
The Multiplatform-CD ´Amiga ClassiX 3´ will be available on the 6th June 2001. This CD will contain more then 100 classic games. For example:

Der Seelenturm, Lure of the Temptress, Wheelspin, Crystal Dragon, Ziriax, Der Trainer, Tactical Manager, Pinball Obsession, Fatman, Embryo, Sixth Sense Investigation, Kid Pool, Xtreme Racing, Blade, Virtual Karting II and many more.

´Amiga ClassiX 3´ will be available for Amiga, Macintosh and Windows. Additional information is available on the webpages of Darkage Software. (ps)

[News message: 28. May. 2001, 14:12] [Comments: 0]
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Thrill (ANF)

Emulator: WinUAE-Kaillera Release 1 released
The newest version of WinUAE-Kaillera was released today. This modification of the well known emulator offers the possibility to play over the net.

Further information is available at the title link Download: (ps)

[News message: 28. May. 2001, 11:10] [Comments: 0]
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Alfred Faust (ANF)

Bars&Pipes Professional 2.5c source code available
Alfred Faust wrote:
»Today, Todor Fay gave me the permission to make the source code of Bars&Pipes Professional 2.5c available to the public.

He asked me to spread this information as far as possible. Thus I ask you to pass on this information to all those who are interested.

A group of programmers looked at the source, completed it and cleaned as many errors as possible; made it compliant to the new ANSI-C standard (as far as possible and necessary), adapted it to several compilers (CompilerSpecific.h was built in), tested it with SAS/C 6.50 and DICE 3.16.

Any commercial distribution is prohibited. A release on Amiga CDs is no problem. Distributors of Amiga CDs who want to release the source code on a CD are asked to contact me.« (ps)

[News message: 25. May. 2001, 21:24] [Comments: 0]
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jami0003 (ANF)

New PowerPC Roadmap from IBM
IBM announced their updated PowerPC roadmap. Future IBM PPC CPU's among other things would have a multimedia unit and direct SMP support. If that multimedia unit is about to be the Altivec engine developed by Motorola neither was repudiated nor confirmed. The next generation will be produced in 0,13µm - 0,10µm technic. (ps)

[News message: 24. May. 2001, 18:10] [Comments: 0]
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