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Archiv 'New hardware and software products'

Mr. B.B.C. (ANF)

Complete documentation of FinalBASIC available
Mr. B.B.C. wrote:
Just in time befor the new year I may announce that the documentation of FinalBASIC is finally completed. FinalBASIC is once again a BASIC dialect. But the special about it is the fact that it is developed as OpenSource and allows easy platform independant programming. With this it will be in strong competition with Java though its capabilitites are comparatively limited.

Because of the conception can FinalBASIC deliver a quite usable performance and could one day shake off Java. FinalBASIC, too, bases on compact bytecode files that can additionally be compiled to machine code programs, though, then being platform dependant, of course.

FinalBASIC is especially oriented towards client operating systems on slow computers. Therefore could also "exotics" like AmigaOS get new software.

Under you can get a complete documentation of the bytecode in its current state.

The first version of FinalBASIC is a more primitive console version for Linux that already offers mouse support, graphics and sound. Later on a complex GUI development shall be added that moves FinalBASIC, apart from many direct hardware resp. memory accesses, to the squad of the professional developing tools.

The project still needs capable C programming people under Linux, but people interested in porting the language may also already register. All information can be found on the website. (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 22. Dec. 2001, 15:48] [Comments: 0]
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Jürgen Lange (ANF)

BoingBag 3.9-2 with Euro next year
According to a mailing by Martin Steigerwald, Haage & Partner, on the AOS3X mailing list there will be an AOS 3.9 update in the coming year which will be released as Boing Bag 3.9 #2. With this update the Euro will be supported on AOS. (ps) (Translation: rh)

[News message: 21. Dec. 2001, 11:33] [Comments: 0]
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Harald Frank/VMC (ANF)

ProStationAudio Amithlon-Benchmarks online
AudioLabs have published the first benchmarks of the new dspspeed tool running under Amithlon, and still is wanting more users who would like to participate in creating a complete table with all Amiga models.

More information can be found under the title link. (ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 20. Dec. 2001, 15:55] [Comments: 0]
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Unicornis (ANF)

New Christmas Levels for WormsDC
Since Worms Armageddon for the Amiga appears to take another few years :-), I've finished two nice Christmas levels for Worms Directors Cut (WormsDC), just in time. Have much fun playing the levels and Merry Chritsmas!

Download: xmaswrm.lha (ps) (Translation: mj)

[News message: 20. Dec. 2001, 10:54] [Comments: 0]
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