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Archiv 'New hardware and software products'


Some software updates
Tales of Tamar Amiga-version 0.42 R6
In the current version the graphics of the middle cavalry have been added. Besides this some bugs have been fixed.

Alfie - Some software updates
On the Amiga homepage of Alfie some of his tools have been updated and some other ones have been added. (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 12. Apr. 2002, 17:20] [Comments: 0]
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Christoph Gutjahr (ANF)

Filesharing: Audiogalaxy Satellite for AmigaOS
AudioGalaxy behaves in accordance with an established peer-to-peer file-sharing standard. For Linux there is an open source code named "OpenAG", and it's from this that the Amiga version is created.

The program may be downloaded from the homepage of its author. It should be noted that ixemul.library (at least v48) is required. You can find this on the homepage as well.

For those who are not yet acquainted with AudioGalaxy: the client does not make use of a GUI. It runs strictly as a background task. It's easy to start the program, just create an account at and log in with your web-browser.

The file-searching and the downloading is then handled through your web-browser. (ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 11. Apr. 2002, 10:25] [Comments: 0]
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KDH-Datentechnik (ANF)

Game: Port of 'Software Tycoon' on it's marks
New managing game (business simulation) for Amiga

At the Amigashop of KDH Datentechnik a new business simulation for Amiga is promoted. This one is a port of Software Tycoon, which is at E.p.i.c. Interactive in work. The website of Software Tycoon is reachable via the title link.

The year is 1982: Small computer-game companies are mushrooming - the new economy opens up undreamed possibilities for creative minds. At least you try that risky step to that unknown branche and found your own game company. It is all in your hands: Starting with the layout of a much promising concept for the perfect game you are led to production, sales and marketing. Take on the right employees and will you manage it to establish your company worldwide? Will you be able to use the coming up new technologies and to handle the growing efforts of the market? Software Tycoon is the ideal simulation for all game-enthusiasts, who are dreaming of making their hobby to profession. With the multiple possibilities for interaction, many given scenarios, always new challenges and a extortionate dash satire according to the software-branche Software Tycoon is exactly the game for which all gamblers always were waiting for! But be warned: Your opponents are crafty and don't hesitate to use nasty sabotage to put anyhow stones - better say viruses - on your path... Shipping is planned for end of May 2002. (ps) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 10. Apr. 2002, 22:34] [Comments: 1 - 11. Apr. 2002, 12:17]
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