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Archiv 'New hardware and software products'

Cerpheus (ANF)

FOM: New CDs - Games, demos, mods, photos, music
  • The Ascon Files: On the Ball, On the Ball - Worldcup Edition, The Patrician. Price: 3 Euro.
  • The Amiga Demo Collection: More than 620mb of demos, alphabetic sorted. Price: 3 Euro.
  • Monstro contains more than 500 mb of mods and other formats. Price: 3 Euro.
  • The digital album "Brasil" 2.5 is an electronic journey thruogh that country, Rio de Janeiro, Salvador, Brasilia, Porto Alegre, ... Further there are backdrops for the Workbench and two audiotracks included. Price: 8 Euro.
  • Eclipse Solar is FOM's the new music CD. Among other there are soundtracks of Amiga projects included, e.g. The Deathbird or Brave New World: Price: 8 Euro.
All CDs might be orderd directly via the FOM-homepage (title link). (ps) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 16. Apr. 2002, 11:36] [Comments: 0]
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Martin Merz (ANF)

Icons: MasonIcons - muiMI, AmiSDMI, EZPagerMI, strICQMI
The following new archives are available on the MasonIcons homepage:

muiMI (2nd release)
  • images for MUI 3.8 (based on VisualMI)
  • colour bug is fixed now
  • additional tapedeck images
AmiSDMI (1st release)
  • images and icons for AmiShutDown
  • German version only
EZPagerMI (3rd release)
  • GlowIcons toolbar and service images for EZPagerNG
  • toolbar image based on AppMI
  • new service image in GlowIcons design
strICQMI (1st release)
  • image set for strICQ ReAction GUI in the GlowIcons design
Visit Mason.Home for further informations and previews. (sd)

[News message: 14. Apr. 2002, 23:30] [Comments: 0]
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Czech Amiga News

USB Poseidon: PPC driver for MorphOS
The USB stack Poseidon by Chris Hodges has now PPC native class drivers for MorphOS.

On MorphOS-News they report, that there is a MorphOS-/Pegasos/USB-webcam in function. The first pictures you can see at CyberGFX. (sd) (Translation: sr)

[News message: 14. Apr. 2002, 16:04] [Comments: 0]
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14.Apr.2002 (ANF)

Ben Hermans Tries to Clarify AmigaONE ROM / OS4 Announcement
"1. The fact that the AmigaOne Falshrom will contain parts of OS 4 is certainly not meant as a way/won't operate to lock out other operating systems such as Linux, BSD etc.

Fact of the matter is that you will be able to compile Linux/BSD for these machines if you insist on it.

2. The real "anti-piracy" measure is the fact that the AmigaOne will ship with an OS 4 OEM version.

It will not be possible to buy boards without OS 4.

You buy the hardware, you're buying the software, just like you did with your old Amiga (or indeed with any pre-build Wintel machine or Mac).

This will ensure that development of OS 4 isn't affected overly by piracy.

Other companies targeting the Amiga market with their hardware should in principle also adopt this scheme to the extent that it is practicable.

In return they will be able to use the Amiga trademarks and tradename and their hardware will be perceived by their target audience as "endorsed" by Amiga.

3. Amiga are insisting that any hardware vendors who want to target the Amiga userbase with their products have their hardware certified and are also "vetted" themselves (support infrastructure, after sales service, financial well-being etc.).

We all know that in the post-Commodore years certain companies were allowed to operate in the market which didn't exactly shine in the area of after sales service (including repair) and tech support.

Many a user has left the market because of incidents with (expensive) hardware being sent away for repair never to be heard of again.

Many a dealer has closed his Amiga business because of the fact that they could not guarantee any form of after sales service to their customers and were in fact exposing themselves to legal action on the part of their customers.

On January 1, 2002 a new EU directive on warranty obligations is supposed to be transposed in national law which imposes even stricter warranty obligations on dealers.

It's clear that it would be very detrimental to the Amiga brand and the perception of Amiga Inc. and its products if former practises would be allowed to continue."

Taken From (sd)

[News message: 14. Apr. 2002, 12:43] [Comments: 0]
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Cyborg (ANF)

New IRC client: BenderIRC version 1.4
The new IRC client BenderIRC is here. Full of functions and possibilities and totally different to all IRC clients so far for the Amiga. From CTCP to XDCC is everything here. Even the DCC SEND problem from the locale network with IP-NAT has been solved.

What makes BenderIRC now so special? Well, the complete GUI can be set up as the user wants it. Whether gadgets are there or not, it doesn't matter! Their size? That doesn't matter, too! Build your own IRC client!

And what completes this all? The client has a built in BOT function. Remote access to your computer, of course password secured ;-). Integrated translation engine for German <-> English that can be used within the channel!

And all those who need even more will love the plugin system of BenderIRC! Example: if the sentence "News on - people, read it immediately" appears the website pops up in no matter of time :-).

As the client was earlier finished than the Denic creating the domain here's the direct link to the download site or you wait until the program is on Aminet.


Cyborg (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 13. Apr. 2002, 20:10] [Comments: 0]
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