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Archiv 'New hardware and software products'


SFX engine: Audio Mixer 3.1
Jeroen Knoester's Audio Mixer (YouTube video of version 2.0) allows real time mixing several samples onto a single channel (up to 4 samples on one channel), while maintaining high performance (3.7% CPU time for 4 samples mixed @ 11KHz on an standard 1MB A500).

The author of the "Amiga Tech Files" - for example Different methods for Dual Layer Graphics - introduced first versions in such a blog post. Audio mixer 3.1 is a completely reworked version of that, featuring much more detailed documentation, extra examples, integration with C programs and several new features like looping samples, the internal 'voices' of the mixer being exposed, configuration through a config file (most things will be calculated automatically) and and no longer requiring samples to be a multiple of the mixer buffer size in length (samples can now be a multiple of 4 bytes instead, which saves RAM). (dr)

[News message: 17. Apr. 2023, 06:04] [Comments: 0]
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Christian Zigotzky (Mail)

Linux: Nanosaur V1.44 ported
Nanosaur was released in 1998 by Pangea Software as a Mac exclusive. It was a pack-in game on Macs that came out around that time. Nanosaur casts a cybernetic dinosaur from the future who’s sent back in time 20 minutes before a giant asteroid hits the Earth. The developer 'jorio' has ported the MacOS 8 version with permission of Pangea Software to run on modern systems.

Christian 'xeno74' Zigotzky, in turn, has compiled the source code for 32-bit Linux PPC on the basis of this LinuxPPC port, so that the game runs, for example, with the distribution Fienix on an AmigaOne X1000 or 5000. (dr)

[News message: 16. Apr. 2023, 14:42] [Comments: 0]
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Windows: Embedding media files into Amiga RAM for usage in own programs
'RetroNick', the author of the Sprite/Icon/Map editor "Raster Master" for Windows 10/11, has released "Hunkster" (named after the Hunk format), a Windows program that allows programmers to convert media files so that they are loaded by the Amiga into its memory, if necessary also specifically into Chip or Fast RAM. In the source code of a custom C or Pascal program, their address in memory can then be transferred to a variable or an array, respectively, and used for execution.

The author himself is only interested in publishing the Windows version, but a version for Linux is just as possible. Interested developers should then fork his repository and adapt the name (for example "LinuxHunkster"). (dr)

[News message: 16. Apr. 2023, 06:25] [Comments: 0]
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Do it yourself: Amiga Floppy Swap
Amiga Floppy Swap is an extension for the Amiga 500, 1000, 2000 or 3000 with connected external drive, which is placed under the MOS 8520 Even CIA chip. After pressing Ctrl-Amiga-Amiga twice in quick succession, the drives DF0: and DF1: are swapped, so that booting from e.g. a Gotek floppy drive emulator is possible.

Pressing the reset keys twice again restores the previous state, and a piezo element provides acoustic feedback that the switch has been executed. (snx)

[News message: 15. Apr. 2023, 09:19] [Comments: 0]
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MorphZone (forum)

MorphOS: Fallout 1 Community Edition ported
After the 2nd part already two months ago, Bruno 'BeWorld' Peloille has now also ported the predecessor for MorphOS: Fallout (Wikipedia) from 1997 is a role-playing game, which is set after a nuclear war, shows black humor and combines futuristic technology with the American everyday culture of the 1950s.

The "Community Edition" is an open source reimplementation, which requires the original, which can still be purchased at GOG or Steam. (snx)

[News message: 15. Apr. 2023, 08:43] [Comments: 0]
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Open Amiga Hardware: Product ID for boards and identify library
The authors of the boards- and identify-library have started a project to promote open source Amiga hardware, the Open Amiga Hardware Repository.

The project has reserved its own manufacturer ID for Zorro boards. Developers of open Amiga hardware can easily request an individual product ID for their project, free of charge. The hardware will be listed in the repository, and will also be recognized by the boards.library and identify.library with their next update.

To be included in the repository, all parts of the hardware (including PCB layout, firmware, drivers) must be freely available under an open license, so that interested people can build their own working copy of the board. In addition, a functional prototype must already exist.

Three memory expansions by Matt Harlum made the start in the repository. More open hardware projects will hopefully follow soon. (dr)

[News message: 15. Apr. 2023, 06:06] [Comments: 0]
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