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Archiv 'Miscellaneous'

Carsten Scholling (ANF)

The revolution - a fictitious story
The vague information one gets from Amiga Inc. don't allow a continuation of the story about Amithlon and the forces of darkness for the moment. But surely later :)

But as I was asked to write something, now for something completely different. Though not very Amiga related it fits somehow the present situation.

Ciao, Carsten
(ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 04. Aug. 2001, 22:01] [Comments: 0]
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Thomas Hoppe (ANF)

Domain to give away
For some months now the domain lies fallow. I don't need it anymore, and I'm now looking for a new non-commercial user. A permission for such a non-commercial use was given by Amiga Inc. but would have to be renewed with a change of the owner and the service.

I give the domain away for free. The costs resulting from a change may be taken over by the new owner. When interested please send an email to Thomas Hoppe.

For now the domain is looked after by DomainFactory. A change is no problem but needs a little more time at DomainFactory. (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 04. Aug. 2001, 18:31] [Comments: 0]
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Gerrit Timmermann (ANF)

Stardate-BBS again out of business because of flash of lightning
Again is the Stardate during a strong storm affected by a flash of lightning. In the exchange my port only works for two hours then the Telekom has to reset the whole router. Again has expensive equipment to be exchanged. I was told that I shouldn't count on this until next week.

So the Stardate is again not accessible via the Internet. All Telnet points/ boxes please use the access numbers instead (you can find them e.g. here in the ALD). The http access of the mailbox isn't possible for now, either.

I should like to emphasize that this is (as was the last time) an act of God (struck by lightning). On my site of the Telekom all pieces of equipment are secured and there is backup equipment for the case of emergency. (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 04. Aug. 2001, 09:47] [Comments: 0]
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Bright Light Software (ANF)

Development and bugfixing suspended
Frank Fenn writes:
Because of a defect motherboard, the development and bugfixing is suspended for some time. If anybody should have a RAMSEY (A3000) in revision 4 and doesn't need it anymore, please contact me.

Affected from this is software as for example Audiomaster, WBStartup, TIDesigner, AmiMTI and many other small tools. (ps) (Translation: rh)

[News message: 03. Aug. 2001, 09:38] [Comments: 0]
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Jan Andersen (E-Mail)

Virus Help Denmark: Installer of SMEG 2 Virus found
The installer of the new 'SMEG 2' linkvirus was found. It was found in the faked keyfiles of MiamiDLX but it is possibly included in other files. Now read the details:

»We have now found the installer of the new 'SMEG 2' linkvirus. If the info text from the archive is correct, the 'SMEG 2' virus has been around since February 2001.

The archive has only been on Elite BBS'es or Elite websites.

Jan Erik Olausen the programmer of VirusExecutor & xvs.library, has made a recog for the virus, but is having problems with removing the virus from memory. As soon as Jan has solved this virus, a new update of xvs.library will be released.

There is "NO" cure for this virus right now. But with the help of the program 'Safe v16.2', you can find infected files, but not remove the virus, you will have to replace the infected files with new clean files. This virus will infect everything that is executed. And on my test A1200 over 200 files, was infected in under 5 minutes.

The programmer of 'Safe' (Zbigniew Trzcionkowski) has written this about the new 'SMEG 2' virus:

Released probably by mistake. Non crypted version of the next one. Code is almost equal to old SMEG, but this time author invented NEW WAY of patching PRIVATE routine of device task. This routine handles receiving of dos packets.
Virus patch is stealing packets and sending them to the supervisor task called 'SMG'. I have never seen such advanced digging code that works properly. This means also that no visible changes are seen in the system beside one new task.
I have noticed that freezing of SMG task stops spreading of the virus, so at the moment Safe does only that. I will add removal of the 'magic' patches if I found it necessary.
File repair was as easy as Penetrator files - one move.l 4.w,a6 was replaced with jump to virus.

Hidden text (decoder was included, but not used by virus code):

Smeg! it's a Hostile TakeOver! (Again!)
And just when you thought it was safe..
Flake and Georg have left the building!
-= On Tour 1995-2001 =-

This is what we know of the virus:

Virus Type.... : Linkvirus
Virus name.... : SMEG 2a & SMEG 2b
Virus size.... : SMEG 2a: 1556 bytes & SMEG 2b: 1604 bytes
Archive name.. : MIAMIDLX.LZX
Archive size.. : 3.427 bytes (lzx packed)

There might just be more installers of the 'SMEG 2' virus out there, so do not install these fake-keys.

Thank to the person that send the archive to Jan Erik Olausen, and to Zbigniew Trzcionkowski for the first test of this virus.« (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 01. Aug. 2001, 14:22] [Comments: 0]
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