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Archive 02/2024


Article on the advertising games of the 90s (German)
In a (German) GamersGlobal article at the title link, 'Nischenliebhaber' looks back at the advertising games of the 1990s. These include the games "BiFi 2 - Action in Hollywood", "Das Telekommando kehrt zurück", "Victor Loomes" and "Der rasende Reporter", which were also released for the Amiga. (snx)

[News message: 20. Feb. 2024, 13:46] [Comments: 0]
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Accelerator: PiStorm16 for the Amiga 600 in development
At the title link Michal Schulz describes the PiStorm16 turbocard currently under development. In contrast to the classic PiStorm, an Efinix FPGA chip is used here as with the PiStorm32-lite. This means that no external devices are required for configuration, which is loaded as soon as the Emu68 emulation starts.

A first prototype is currently being manufactured, and separate connections for HDMI and network are planned for the future. (snx)

[News message: 20. Feb. 2024, 13:36] [Comments: 0]
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Emulator: WinUAE 5.2.0
The Amiga emulator WinUAE has been released in version 5.2.0. Changes:

New features/updates
  • MacroSystem DraCo emulation. Full emulation except V-Lab Motion video board which is totally undocumented. Amiga clone without Amiga custom chips.
  • Picmatic Marbella Vice light gun laser disc arcade game is now fully working.
  • American Laser Games and PicMatic statefile support.
  • Genlock emulation display positioning/scaling updates.
  • Retina Z2 and Z3/Altais RTG board emulation. (NCR 77C22E+ and 77C32BLT SVGA chips)
  • S3 Trio64 PCI RTG board.
  • On screen led font is now configurable, settings in GUI Miscellaneous panel.
  • A2410 updates (Latest Picasso96 driver with DMA mode enabled graphics corruption)
  • All emulated RTG boards now autoswitch (Automatic switch between chipset mode and RTG mode). Previously only RTG boards that have built-in switcher and PCI RTG boards autoswitched.
  • Do not emulate special cases in native chipset screen mode last and first line(s) unless Overscan mode is Overscan+ or higher. (For example OCS Denise top and bottom line mismatched blanking start and end)
  • NTSC mode screen vertical positioning improved.
  • Disk swapper insert/remove cursor position now works as expected. Same image can be inserted in multiple slots.

5.1.0 Bugs fixes
  • Fast 68020+ mode interrupt timing fix. (Some games hung or had missing or badly playing sound)
  • Copper timing was unreliable in non-CE modes (Mainly affected horizontally multiplexed sprites)
  • Dark mode was not initialized if config file was started directly (for example from command line), without opening GUI. Some sub-dialogs didn’t support dark mode.
  • Zero length disk DMA with enabled disk word sync never finished (some copy protections failed to work).
  • Game Ports panel default config overrode button 4 with on screen keyboard enable/disable option even if it was already configured in Input panel.

Older bug fixes
  • Any TV overscan option + NTSC mode: few pixel grapohics corruption was visible in right edge of screen.
  • Many hardware emulated RTG boards had problems with horizontal panning.
  • 68040 MMU emulation fix. (MOVEM restart didn’t work correctly in all situations and MOVES 68040-only special case bus fault behavior was wrong)
  • CyberVision 64/3D and Picasso IV overlay fixes. P96PipDemo is now working correctly.
  • Ateo Pixel 64 had BGR/RGB swapped colors in most color depths.
  • UAE AHI ignored AHI volume slider setting.
  • Fixed mouse cursor jumping randomly when in tablet mode and clicking mouse button(s).
  • Game Ports panel input device type getting stuck or entering Test/Remap window crashing in some situations.
  • Some config file and registry/ini paths were always written in absolute format even if WinUAE was configured to relative path mode.
  • "AVI output enabled" (and few similar on/off buttons) button type changed, previously they worked unexpectedly in some situations, visible state was not always matching internal state.
  • Some sub dialogs (for example Gameports input mapping autofire) had old style and no high DPI support.
  • 256 color screenshot mode created wrong colors in some situations, usually when AGA and almost all palette entries were allocated.
  • Changing some native display settings (Filter/Display panel) settings didn’t reset all required display parameters until full display reset (for example window was resized)

[News message: 19. Feb. 2024, 22:16] [Comments: 0]
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Video: Building a PlipBox adapter
In his latest video, Robert Smith shows how he builds his own PlipBox adapter for his Amiga 2000 in order to use it to get connected to the Internet. (dr)

[News message: 19. Feb. 2024, 22:02] [Comments: 0]
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Blog: Restauration of an A1060 Sidecar, part 2
A few months ago, Richard Körber was very lucky to acquire an A1060 Sidecar on eBay and reports in a three-part series on how he restored it. In the first part he disassembled it, in the second part now available under the title link all the broken parts are repaired and the Sidecar is restored to its original condition. (dr)

[News message: 19. Feb. 2024, 21:55] [Comments: 0]
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WHDLoad: Graphical user-interface iGame 2.4.6
iGame is a MUI-based frontend for starting WHDLoad games ( reported). George 'walkero' Sokianos has released version 2.4.6 for AmigaOS 2.04 and higher, AmigaOS 4 and MorphOS. Some optimisation in list loading reduces the time needed more than 42%.

Direct download: iGame-v2.4.6-20240218.lha (438 Kb) (dr)

[News message: 19. Feb. 2024, 06:51] [Comments: 0]
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AmigaOS 4: AmiUpdate V2.54
After AmiUpdate was recently updated several times ( reported), another update has been released today with version 2.54. Changes:
  • Changed the main list to include a "Last Changed" column. This now allows you to sort updates according to date.
  • Improved the log output for clarity when connecting to WWW realms and using login credentials.
  • Prefs_Updates 53.18 (12.2.2024): Missed yet another application interface conflict. Hopefully this should be it now.

[News message: 18. Feb. 2024, 14:44] [Comments: 1 - 18. Feb. 2024, 16:07]
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Aminet uploads until 17.02.2024
The following files have been added until 17.02.2024 to Aminet:
ellipse.lha              dev/amos   15K       ellipse targetted 5 points
ellipse_exact.lha        dev/amos   9K        Precise solution of ellipse
escribed_ellipse.pdf     docs/misc  94K       ellipse targetted through 5 p...
AmiDuke_AGA.lha          game/shoot 372K  68k Amiga port of Duke Nukem 3D
AmiDuke_RTG.lha          game/shoot 662K  68k Amiga port of Duke Nukem 3D          gfx/conv   5.2M      HAM graphic converter
AmiArcadia.lha           misc/emu   5.0M  68k Signetics-based machines emul...
AmiArcadia-OS4.lha       misc/emu   5.5M  OS4 Signetics-based machines emul...
WizzPlay.lha             mus/play   8K    68k A tiny protracker player
morsconv.lha             text/misc  10K   68k Modular Morse code generator

[News message: 18. Feb. 2024, 08:50] [Comments: 0]
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OS4Depot uploads until 17.02.2024
The following files have been added until 17.02.2024 to OS4Depot:
resrc4.lha               dev/mis 125kb 4.1 MC680x0 Disassembler
amiarcadia.lha           emu/gam 5Mb   4.0 Signetics-based machines emulator
wipeout.lha              gam/dri 1Mb   4.1 Re-implementation of the 1995 PS...
sdl2.lha                 lib/mis 7Mb   4.1 Simple DirectMedia Layer 2
luettjebookholler.lha    off/mis 2Mb   4.1 Little Personal Finance program
amiupdate_dan.lha        uti/wor 20kb  4.0 Danish catalog files for AmiUpdate
amiupdate_ita.lha        uti/wor 47kb  4.0 Italian catalog files for AmiUpdate

[News message: 18. Feb. 2024, 08:50] [Comments: 0]
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AROS Archives uploads until 17.02.2024
The following files have been added until 17.02.2024 to AROS Archives:     aud/tra 23Mb  Tracker program with advance fea...               dri/aud 49kb  MidiDriver

[News message: 18. Feb. 2024, 08:50] [Comments: 0]
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MorphOS-Storage uploads until 17.02.2024
The following files have been added until 17.02.2024 to MorphOS-Storage:
openxcom_1.0.lha          Games/Strategy            A free open-source reim...

[News message: 18. Feb. 2024, 08:50] [Comments: 0]
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WHDLoad: New installers until 17.02.2024
Using WHDLoad, games, scene demos and intros by cracking groups, which were originally designed to run only from floppy disks, can be installed on harddisk. The following installers have been added until 17.02.2024: (snx)

[News message: 18. Feb. 2024, 08:50] [Comments: 0]
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AmigaRemix: Further files added
AmigaRemix collects remixes of well-known soundtracks of Amiga games. Since our last news-item, the following mp3 files have been added:
  • Poormouth
  • Shadow Fighter BGM09

[News message: 18. Feb. 2024, 08:50] [Comments: 0]
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Simon Adolf (ANF)

Event: Report and video from AmigaWinterTreffen in Großensee (Germany)
From February 9-11 2024 this year's "AmigaWinterTreffen" event took place in Großensee, Germany. A show report by Simon Adolf can be found in our German news-item, also there is a video on YouTube. (snx)

[News message: 18. Feb. 2024, 08:50] [Comments: 0]
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Amitopia (ANF)

Web browser: AmiFox 0.5 with downloads
AmiFox displays modern websites on an Amiga by downloading and displaying the pages converted into images by a web rendering proxy ("AmiFox server").

New features of version 0.5 include the ability to download files directly from and the display of the URL as a QR code, for example to continue surfing on a cell phone. The browser is available for AmigaOS and AROS (x86, x64, ARM). (snx)

[News message: 18. Feb. 2024, 08:50] [Comments: 0]
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