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Archive 02/2024


Video tutorial: "Screen Copy" command in AMOS
Following on from his last video about screen commands, retro and Amiga fan 'Yawning Angel' looks at the screen commands "Screen Copy", "Screen Hide" and "Screen Show" in another part of his tutorial series about AMOS Pro. As always, the source file for the program shown in the video can be downloaded free of charge from his website. (dr)

[News message: 14. Feb. 2024, 13:51] [Comments: 0]
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Blog: Restauration of an A1060 Sidecar, part 1
The A1060 Sidecar is an expansion hardware device developed by Commodore and released in 1986 for the Amiga 1000 computer. It features a complete PC XT-clone system mounted in an expansion case which connected to the expansion bus on the right side of the Amiga 1000 computer.

A few months ago, Richard Körber was very lucky to acquire such a sidecar on eBay and reports on how he restores it in a three-part series. The first part is available at the title link. (dr)

[News message: 14. Feb. 2024, 09:06] [Comments: 0]
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Platformer: Playable demo of "Silhouette Threat" for AGA Amigas
Three weeks ago, we introduced the platformer "Silhouette Threat", which 'psquaredish' is developing together with his daughter for AGA computers with the Scorpion Engine. Now he has released a playable demo version of the first level (YouTube video). (dr)

[News message: 14. Feb. 2024, 06:23] [Comments: 1 - 14. Feb. 2024, 06:35]
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AmigaOS 4.1: SDL 2.30.0 Release Candidate 2
Juha 'capehill' Niemimaki has published the second release candidate of version 2.30.0 of the multimedia library SDL for AmigaOS 4.1 ( reported). The library is intended to make it easier for programmers to develop portable applications and is used by numerous open source games. SDL requires AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition and optionally OpenGL ES 2.0. Changes:
  • Add "dead key" support.
  • Add checkkeys test program.
  • Improve installer.
  • Update documentation.
Download: SDL2.lha (7,0 MB) (dr)

[News message: 13. Feb. 2024, 22:10] [Comments: 0]
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AROS distribution: AROS One 2.4 (x86)
The distribution "AROS One" (screenshot), which is based on the AROS binary interface ABI v0, is now available in version 2.4 for x86 computers. It can be downloaded as a DVD ISO file or as a USB flash image at the title link, where video recordings can also be found.

This is the most stable AROS x86 version to date, with many bug fixes relating to Wanderer and hardware compatibility, the list of which has since been further revised. Above all, however, the distribution has now been compiled with the C library, which makes porting and compiling easier for developers, but requires to be installed from scratch because it is no longer compatible with the old core and the old software included in the contrib archive. Thus own configurations of the included software must therefore be saved and reinstalled manually.

  • Update AROS One OS System:
    • Update Descriptor Datatypes (Image File)
    • Update Dopus4 Config
    • Update ZuneARC (Fixated LZH Archive)
    • New BootSound (Presets/BootSounds)
    • Add Menu GRUB "Early Startup Control"
    • Update OWB Config (fixed Fonts)

  • Update AROS One Apps:
    • Icondrop 1.1.0 (Creating DualPNG icons)
    • SCANdal 1.4
    • VorbisTools 1.4.0
    • JCalc 0.4
    • IconDropx86 1.2
    • Image2PDF 2.5
    • Potrace 1.16
    • Dcraw 8.89
    • Memeter 2.2
    • WorldTime 1.31
    • RNOEffects 2.0
    • Demos Mindlapse
    • Sacrificio Pagano 2.10
    • MCC_Thebar 26.22
    • Protrekkr 2.6.4
    • Sonos Controller 1.3
    • LoView 2024
    • World Construction Set 2.031

  • Update AROS One Games:
    • Abbaye Des Morts
    • WormWars
    • AstralGame
Updates Core ABIv0:
  • Functionalities:
    • Introduce new C library, synchronized with 64-bit AROS (deadwood)
    • Allow linux hosted AROS to work under WSL (Kalamatee)
    • Better default mouse cursor image (JuanDoble07)
    • Early Boot Menu made more functional (JuanDoble07, Kalamatee)

  • Updates:
    • AROS build system (deadwood)
    • Italian and Polish translations (AMIGASYSTEM, subocz)
    • Prefs/Boot 1.4 (deadwood)

  • Functional fixes:
    • Wanderer (bugs: #107) (deadwood)
    • fat-handler (bugs: #107) (deadwood)
    • intuition.library (bugs: no auto scroll up screen) (JuanDoble07)
    • dos.library (bugs: NOMOUNT partitions are automounted, wrong path copying) (JuanDoble07, Ronnie Beck)
    • exec.library (bugs: infinite crash loop) (deadwood)
    • dos.library (bugs: #60) (deadwood)
    • utility.library (bugs: #63) (deadwood)
    • stdlib.library (bugs: wrong support for '*' in sscanf) (deadwood)

  • Stability fixes:
    • muimaster.library (deadwood)
    • debug-handler (deadwood)

[News message: 13. Feb. 2024, 09:53] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga emulator: vAmigaWeb V2.6
vAmigaWeb is an Amiga emulator for the web browser or a Progressive Web App (PWA) based on the Amiga emulator vAmiga for MacOS.

In this update mainly file usage was improved. Changes:
  • import previously unmountable files on a disk (DD/HD 880KB/1.76MB), e.g. single files such as demo.lha (YouTube video), todos.txt, space_ship.iff, blitter_force.asm
  • extended ADF files are recognized by header bytes regardless of its file extension
  • select files from zip folders, improved zip file support
  • upgraded to most recent vAmigaCore v2.6 for increased machine compatibility

[News message: 13. Feb. 2024, 06:38] [Comments: 0]
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Shoot 'em Up: Early demo version of "NEON world" (V0.1)
After Frank Neumann had not programmed anything for the Amiga with assembler for 30 years, he wants to get back into it with the shoot 'em up "NEON world" ( reported). This second early demo version he calls "Minimum Viable Product" (MVP) having more than 80 enemies in less than a minute playtime. The game should run on an Amiga 500.

Direct download: (93 KB) (dr)

[News message: 13. Feb. 2024, 06:26] [Comments: 0]
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Demoparty: Results of Lovebyte 2024 (update)
Last weekend, Lovebyte 2024 took place on Discord and Twitch ( reported). Three Amiga productions were among the first-placed ones in the various categories:
  • 1st place for Glenz 1k by gigabates / Desire in the category "1k Intro Oldschool"
  • 2nd place for strss by Losso / AttentionWhore in the category "512 Byte Intro Oldschool"
  • 6th place for Tiny Squares by gigabates / Desire in the category "64 Byte Intro Oldschool"
Update: (13.02.2024, 22:01, dr)

Alexander 'Losso' Grupe, member of the demo group AttentionWhore, has explained on his website "heckmeck!" about the creation of the demo "strss". (dr)

[News message: 12. Feb. 2024, 21:58] [Comments: 0]
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Apollo cards: File sharing tool "ApolloExplorer" v1.1.3 (update)
ApolloExplorer is a simple file exchange programme that can be used to transfer files from a PC to an Amiga running an Apollo card and vice versa over the network. A server software runs in the background on the Amiga and allows a client running on a PC with Windows, Linux or MacOS to connect to the Amiga and browse the local hard drives. This is the first stable version, while previous ones were still considered as beta versions. Changes:
  • A problem where certain Apollo Accelerator targeted distributions used an icon for the SD Card that didn't appear in the PC client browser has been fixed.
  • Similarly, FAT filesystems (SD Cards are formated such) will get the default icon if this available on the Amiga.
Update: (12.02.2024, 20:18, dr)

The developer has pointed out that his application should basically run on all Amigas that are equipped with sufficient CPU and RAM to run a web browser. For example, ApolloExplorer should work on PiStorm Amigas or 68030 Amigas. (dr)

[News message: 12. Feb. 2024, 10:46] [Comments: 0]
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Blog: The Infocom logo
The blog "Zarf Updates" deals with the design and history of the Infocom logo in an article. (dr)

[News message: 12. Feb. 2024, 09:43] [Comments: 0]
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Music: Piano arrangements of Amiga game music
Grazia Pizzuto is a church musician in Bonn and teaches piano and improvisation. She also runs a YouTube channel where she presents piano arrangements of game music, including Amiga games. She has recently published the following songs: When asked how she came to arrange and play Amiga game music, Grazia kindly replied:
"I have never had an Amiga myself. It all started when my husband introduced me to Chris Hülsbeck's Piano Collection. These are sheet music and CD/mp3s that we had supported as a Kickstarter project. When I heard this music for the first time, it immediately appealed to me and since then I've always been looking for good music in (retro) computer games.

Several factors play a role in the selection of the pieces: First and foremost, I consider the recommendations/tips from my viewers. Another decisive factor is how much the pieces appeal to me personally. I also talk to my husband about how much a piece of music evokes nostalgia in him (he had a C64 and knew the Amiga from friends). Next, I check whether there is already sheet music available, for example on Musescore, or whether I have to arrange the piece myself.

For the Amiga songs I often work with MOD files in an MOD file tracker. If I have neither notes nor MODs, I often listen to the originals and then write the notes from what I hear. Of course, I also have a look at longplays to get an idea of the game. Occasionally I play one or two games on emulators (Vice, WinUAE, RetroArch) to get a feel for the gameplay."

Thank you very much, Grazia. We look forward to many more Amiga titles! (dr)

[News message: 12. Feb. 2024, 08:37] [Comments: 0]
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