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Archive 01/2023


WHDLoad: Graphical user-interface iGame 2.2.1
iGame is a MUI-based frontend for starting WHDLoad games ( reported). Recently George 'walkero' Sokianos (editor 'Lite XL' or MediaVault) has released version 2.2.1 for AmigaOS 2.04 and higher, AmigaOS 4 and MorphOS, providing the following changes:
  • Added
    • Turkish catalog contributed by Serkan Dursun

  • Fixed
    • Now the 68K cpu specific versions are included in the archive. In v2.2.0 all versions where the same 68000 binary because of a missing flag in compilation
    • Willem Drijver contributed with a fix on Execute tooltype, which was not working well.
Seiya (ANF)

PDF magazine: REV'n'GE 142 (Italian/English) / Interview with the publisher
Besides the Italian original issue, the PDF magazine REV'n'GE ("Retro Emulator Vision and Game") is also available in English. The magazine's reviews compare, if available, the different ports of classic games to the various platforms of their time.

The latest issue includes articles about the Amiga games "Encounter" and "NEONnoir". 'Seiya', the editor of REV'n'GE, was available for a short interview. Many thanks!

Amiga-News (AN): Hello 'Seiya'. Thank you for taking the time and of course for your magazine. How did you come to publish this fanzine/magazine?

Seiya: I always liked writing game reviews, but I didn't know how to write them, I didn't even know what software to use. I originally wrote the reviews for a forum (text and pictures) with some videos I had made specifically for the Amiga. In 2012 or 2013 I was contacted by a group that did online reviews only in Italian with a professional layout system and I was enchanted. There was a team with a chief editor and other people writing reviews. Not quite what I was looking for, but better than nothing.

AN: What happened after that?

Seiya: After not being very happy with a second, similar attempt either, I decided to start my own fanzine: the first issue will be published in February 2014, and I will bring out three more issues in the same month. The goal was to publish at least four issues every month, 48 issues per year.
After the first month I realised that it was not feasible because there was no time to correct, check for errors and then review something interesting. The first issues were written in a hurry, without checking for mistakes, with a lot of hardware articles. And it was all about Amiga and PC because those were the systems I knew best, so I knew which games I wanted to try.

AN: How many issues per month were there then?

Seiya: There was a problem with the name, because it was REVenGE! and, as written, had a meaning that hardly suited a retro games publication.
The name casually suggested to me "Retro Emulation Video and Game", but the "and" was not in the name because it was spelled "en". Then I had the idea to say that "en" is the Italian pronunciation of "and". A group of users on an Italian hardware and retro gaming forum suggested I call it REV'n'GE! because "Retro Emulation Video & Game" was more credible, and so REV'n'GE! was born, as it is today.

From this issue 17 onwards, the magazine/fanzine changed its mentality and finally became what it should have been since its first issue, and issue after issue I try to improve it both in text and in spelling and grammar mistakes.

AN: Why also in English?

Seiya: The fanzine/magazine is read more abroad than in Italy and although it was translated into English by Google and manually corrected by me, it was and is very understandable and therefore very popular in the countries where the language is not English.

AN: And what is the situation today?

Seiya: Today, one issue is published per month, on the 25th of each month, including summer and Christmas. Each issue is written in the previous month in order to be able to write both the Italian and English editions.

AN: How do you choose the games you present?

Seiya: The games I review are actually chosen quite randomly. Sometimes I look at screenshots, other times when reading the forums I see that some users have problems with a game or are talking about it for various reasons and I decide to review it.
As the name of the fanzine has de facto become "Retro Emulator Vision and Game", the various systems are all emulated and I try to review games whose emulation is closest to the original hardware.

For the Amiga, for example, I choose games for the Amiga 500, which the emulator emulates perfectly, or in any case the basic A1200, which can be emulated well. For Atari ST games, those that run well on the basic model. For DOS games, I usually use PCeM, which emulates their chosen hardware well, and I also choose titles that run on an 8086 between 4 and 10 Mhz. 8-bit computers are emulated just as well as the current systems and so the reviews are comparable even on real hardware.

AN: How exactly is an issue created?

Seiya: I do one test a day and in total it takes about 15 days. Then I create the videos, put them online and copy the links to the videos into the fanzine. Then I read through everything again to prepare the translation into English. I read the Italian version and the English translation again to make the last corrections. Then about 18 days have passed. I usually start on the 5th of each month and try to finish around the 23rd or 24th of each month.

AN: When do you take time for the tests and reviews?

Seiya: I write the fanzine in the morning, and spend about an hour or two on the reviews. Sometimes the emulator doesn't work or the game doesn't start. Then I have to look for another game. I look for information if I don't have the manuals or discover something on the net that gives me the idea to write something. Then I play on one computer in real time and write reviews on another computer at the same time.

The reviews are not as detailed as in commercial magazines because I decided to talk about it a bit and then leave the reader with the desire to play it for themselves and see if what I wrote is correct and shares my opinion. (dr)

[News message: 30. Jan. 2023, 06:16] [Comments: 1 - 30. Jan. 2023, 13:37]
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Editor: Lite XL 2.1.1r1 for AmigaOS 4 and MorphOS
George 'walkero' Sokianos has just released version 2.1.0r1 of the editor Lite XL for AmigaOS 4 and MorphOS ( reported) and explained:

"Today I released a new version of LiteXL for both AmigaOS 4 and MorphOS 3. This includes the latest code from the upstream repository, with all the changes up to the 8th of January 2023. This brings our port in sync with the latest available versions in other systems.

In this release, a bug reported by one user is fixed, which had to do with the OS4 version and the system locale. This was pretty much the same reason as with the MorphOS version which was fixed a couple of releases back.

Other than that, a few more plugins were added in the add-ons folder adding extra features to the editor. My beloved is the one that makes LiteXL utilise the .editorconfig files. This way the editor keeps on having a consistent coding style per project. Especially useful if you work on projects with different programming languages. You can find more information about the .editorconfig files at

Also, the binary now is named lite-xl, to be aligned with the naming of other system releases. Not a big difference, but you might need to update your system to use this new name in docks etc.

I'd like to thank all of my supporters for the donations and for keeping me motivated, to continue working on my Amiga projects. That's a great community to be part of." (dr)

[News message: 29. Jan. 2023, 15:08] [Comments: 0]
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AmigaOS 4: Version 6.11 of audio driver for Intel HD Audio
The AHI driver for AmigaOS 4 written by Harald Kanning supports PCIe cards with sound chips that meet the HD Audio specification ( reported). The archive also contains a simple "mixer" which can be used to control the volume. With the update to version 6.11, the driver also supports the AmigaOne X1000 for the first time. The other changes:
  • Added autoswitch between 16bit and 24bit recording buffer
  • Removed Mixer option to limit Recording resolution to 16bit.
  • Created User Manual
  • Small optimizations
For use on the X1000, the developer explained: "The IDT 92HD700 codec on X1000 works completely different compared to other CODECs. Most noticeable is the missing monitor hardware. Instead there's a karaoke mode which will mix the input of the ADC to out Line output. Therefore the Monitor volume slider has been replaced with a mute checkbox. The monitor/karaoke volume is equal to the ADC volume and therefore controlled with the input volume slider.

If you want to use this driver on your X1000 than make sure that the original ahi driver (HDAUDIO) is removed and the X1000 mixer program and docky is not running/started (be aware that the Enhancer updater utility likes to reinstall this driver)."

AmigaOS 4.1 FE Update 2 (the author has not tested it under previous versions) and AHI 6.6 are required. (dr)

[News message: 29. Jan. 2023, 14:28] [Comments: 0]
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Blog: Benchmarks for "Lightwave 3D 5" for several hardware configurations
The developer George 'walkereo' Sokianos reports in his latest blog entry on Ko-fi about benchmarks and findings to be drawn from them for the 3D graphics software LightWave 3D, which is also available for AmigaOS 3 until the release. The following hardware and operating systems were tested:
  • A4000 with 68060
  • Vampire V4 standalone (AmigaOS 3.2)
  • Pi400 with Amiberry 5.5.1
  • Powermac with PowerPC 7451 (G4) CPU at 1.6 GHz (MorphOS)
  • X5000/40 at 2.2 GHz with AmigaOS 4 and MorphOS
  • Powerbook A1052 with PowerPC 7447 (G4) at 1.33 GHz (MorphOS)
  • microA1 with PowerPC G3 at 800 MHz (AmigaOS 4)

[News message: 29. Jan. 2023, 08:09] [Comments: 0]
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The Amiga as a musical instrument: Paulimba
Linus 'lft' Åkesson has been an active part of the demoscene for a good 25 years, composing music for numerous demos and music discs for Amiga and C64 as 'Lairfight' or 'lft'. Last year he built "The Commodordion": an 8-bit accordion consisting mainly of two C64 keyboards, floppy disks and gaffer tape. As he says himself, he has started programming for the Amiga again after more than 20 years and has now written "Paulimba", a program to play live music on the keyboard of an Amiga (600).

"Paulimba" is a portmanteau of "Paula", the sound chip of the Amiga, and "Kalimba", a musical instrument from Africa that belongs to the lamellophones: the music produced on the keyboard sounds like a kalimba. In his blog entry under the title link as well as in the accompanying YouTube video, he explains in detail how he achieved this. (dr)

[News message: 29. Jan. 2023, 06:57] [Comments: 0]
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Aminet uploads until 28.01.2023
The following files have been added until 28.01.2023 to Aminet:
apccomm.lha              comm/misc  205K  68k transfers files between Amiga...
Forest.lha               demo/ecs   120K  68k Forest demo for GERP2023/Sweden
bin2iso_mos.lha          disk/misc  29K   MOS bin2iso - Convert BIN files t...
Cadius.lha               disk/misc  148K  MOS BD's ProDOS disk imaging utility
smb2fs.i386-aros.lha     disk/misc  79K   x86 SMB2 file system client
smb2fs.m68k-amigaos.lha  disk/misc  148K  68k SMB2 file system client
PcmciaCD.lha             driver/med 10K   68k ATAPI PCMCIA CD driver Sony Vaio
anaiis_lowlevel.lha      driver/oth 25K   68k Anaiis lowlevel release 0.02
jfduke3d.lha             game/shoot 1.3M  68k JFDuke3D Amiga Port
Inform6.lha              game/text  845K  68k Compiler of Infocom-format st...
webptools130_a68k.lha    gfx/conv   2.4M  68k encode/decode images in WebP ...
webptools130_aros.lha    gfx/conv   3.7M  x86 encode/decode images in WebP ...
FrodoItaCat.lha          misc/emu   12K       Italian catalog for Frodo v2.4
Tipografia_AROS.lha      text/dtp   2.3M  x86 Create printable signs using ...
avalanche_de.lha         util/arc   7K        German catalog for Avalanche ...
Avalanche_FR.lha         util/arc   7K        French catalog for Avalanche ...
avalanche_guide_de.lha   util/arc   7K        German translation of Avalanc...
LHArchiver.lha           util/arc   4.8M  68k create lha archives intuitively
filesysbox.i386-aros.lha util/libs  52K   x86 A FUSE compatible file system...
filesysbox.m68k-amiga... util/libs  72K   68k A FUSE compatible file system...
SoftIEEE.lha             util/libs  59K   68k math lib&881/882 FPU emulator...
CurrencyConverter.lha    util/misc  12K   68k convert one currency type to ...        util/misc  3.9M  68k Versatile Amiga Testprogram
AnalogClock.lha          util/time  39K   68k Resizeable analog transparent...

[News message: 29. Jan. 2023, 06:26] [Comments: 0]
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OS4Depot uploads until 28.01.2023
The following files have been added until 28.01.2023 to OS4Depot:
hdaudio_ahi.lha          dri/aud 972kb 4.1 Generic HD audio driver for Amig...
loschinos.lha            gam/chi 5Mb   4.0 This is the classic spanish game...
sdl2.lha                 lib/mis 7Mb   4.1 Simple DirectMedia Layer 2
lharchiver.lha           uti/arc 5Mb   4.0 Create LhA archives intuitively

[News message: 29. Jan. 2023, 06:26] [Comments: 0]
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AROS Archives uploads until 28.01.2023
The following files have been added until 28.01.2023 to AROS Archives:
loschinos.lha                gam/chi 5Mb   This is the classic spanish game...
webptools130_aros.lha        gra/mis 4Mb   encode/decode images in WebP format
tipografia.i386-aros.lha     off/dtp 2Mb   Generator of printable signs usi...

[News message: 29. Jan. 2023, 06:26] [Comments: 0]
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MorphOS-Storage uploads until 28.01.2023
The following files have been added until 28.01.2023 to MorphOS-Storage:
LHArchiver_1.8.lha        Files/Archive             Create lha archives int...
bin2iso_1.1.lha           Files/Convert             bin2iso - Convert BIN f...
Bugdom_1.3.3.lha          Games/Action 3D           Pangea Software's Bugdo...
Inform_6.41.lha           Games/Text                Compiler of Infocom-for...
LosChinos_Finalversion... Games/Think               This is the classic Spa...
Cadius_1.4.5.lha          Misc                      BD's ProDOS disk imagin...
PageStream5-Tips_FR_1.... Translations              French translation of P...
PageStream5_FR_1.4.lha    Translations              French translation of P...

[News message: 29. Jan. 2023, 06:26] [Comments: 0]
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WHDLoad: New installers until 28.01.2023
Using WHDLoad, games, scene demos and intros by cracking groups, which were originally designed to run only from floppy disks, can be installed on harddisk. The following installers have been added until 28.01.2023: (snx)

[News message: 29. Jan. 2023, 06:26] [Comments: 0]
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