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Archive 11/2021

Youtube / 8-Bit Guy (ANF)

8-BitArcade-Adventure: "PETSCII Robots" announced for Amiga
PETSCII Robots by popular Texas youtuber 8 Bit Guy is an arcade adventure game originally developed for the Commodore PET, whose in-game "graphics" consisted entirely of PETSCII characters (video).

Since then the commercially distributed title has been made available for various retro platforms (including VIC 20, C64, C128, Plus/4, Apple II, Atari), with each port attempting to exploit the graphical and sound capabilities of the target system as much as possible. In his most recent Youtube release the "8 Bit Guy" now announces further ports, including one for the Amiga 500 - moving pictures of this version can be seen starting at minute 16:50. (cg)

[News message: 12. Nov. 2021, 23:27] [Comments: 0]
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Scene World Podcast (ANF)

Scene World Podcast Episode #127 - Nicola and Anthony Caulfield
In their new podcast episode, Jörg Dröge and Arthur Heller talk to Nicola and Anthony Caulfield, a filmmaking team from London. They are responsible for documentaries like "From Bedrooms To Billions" and its sequel "The Amiga Years" . Their current project, called "The Rubber-Keyed Wonder", is about the ZX Spectrum. Interview starts at 9:47 minutes. (snx)

[News message: 11. Nov. 2021, 20:48] [Comments: 0]
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Sven Scheele (ANF)

Event: Interface XXIX in Kiel (Germany) on November 27, 2021
On saturday, November 27, 2021, the next "Interface" retrocomputing event takes place in Schwentinental near Kiel, Germany. Details can be found in our german news-item. (snx)

[News message: 11. Nov. 2021, 20:39] [Comments: 0]
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Anniversary: 20 years AmigaSource
For 20 years now Scott Pistorino collects on his site AmigaSource all information around the Amiga. On October 19, 2001 he introduced his project on Beside several interviews with Ben Hermans or Fleecy Moss from 2002 there are numerous categories like software, hardware, demos etc. Because Pistorino changed to a new database some time ago, some articles are not yet available again. In the future he plans to add links to all official Amiga systems like X1000, A1222 etc. as well as systems of external developers like MiSTer, Vampire, Raspberry Pi etc. We say congratulations! (dr)

[News message: 11. Nov. 2021, 07:15] [Comments: 2 - 14. Nov. 2021, 13:31]
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AmigaOS 4.1: Start of video and discussion series
Each Friday on 19:30 Uhr CET George Sokianos, author of the AmigaOS 4.1 application MediaVault, explains on Twitch the AmigaOS and had so far focused on version 3.2. Those videos he also has uploaded to YouTube. Since last Friday now he talks about AmigaOS 4.1 and explains among others in the first episode the AmigaOS 4.1 FE file structure, the different Prefs utilities and what can be done with them and why the WBStartup folder is removed and what took its place. (dr)

[News message: 10. Nov. 2021, 21:31] [Comments: 0]
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