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Archive 12/2015

25.Dec.2015 (Webseite)

Workbench distribution: Portable AmiKit MK2 (8.5.1) available for download
On the occasion of der 30th anniversary party in Neuss, version 8.5.1 of the Workbench distribution AmiKit was released - at first on USB-sticks ( reported).

Now the latest version can be downloaded for a sum which you can choose. Then you can boot the Workbench from your own USB-stick on x86-computers (except Macs). In October the new feature "Rabbit Hole" was added which makes it possible to launch Linux programms from the Amiga environment. AmiKit completely runs out of the RAM, which let the host system unchanged. (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 25. Dec. 2015, 09:10] [Comments: 0]
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25.Dec.2015 (Webseite)

SimpleMail 0.42
By tradition at Christmas the new version 0.42 of the eMail programm SimpleMail for AmigaOS 3.x, AmigaOS 4 and MorphOS has been released. Additional to bug fixes, mainyl under MorphOS the support of TLS and STARTTLS was added.

Version 0.42 comes with following changes:
  • Updated OpenSSL version to 1.0.1q
  • TLS support for SMTP servers (SMTPS, port 465)
  • STARTTLS support for IMAP4 servers
  • Ability to check account settings within the account configuration
  • Revised error window
  • Serveral MorphOS specific fixes (thanks to henes)
  • DEBUGMODULES command line options supports now '?' as value to print all modules that have logging output (AmigaOS 4.1 for now)
  • Various bug fixes and internal improvements to simplify next development steps
(snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 25. Dec. 2015, 08:58] [Comments: 0]
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AROS-Exec (Forum)

AROS: A week in AROS (from 30.11.2015)
Weekly Krzysztof 'Deadwood' Śmiechowicz summarizes the latest progresses and developments of the AROS-programmers.

Week of November 30th:
  • Slovak and Slovene languages have been added (polluks)
  • Montenegro country and flag have been added (polluks)
  • List images are no longer disposed in the cleanup of List MUI class (neil)
Week of December 7th:
  • Nothing to report
Week of December 14th:
  • fd2pragma tool has been updated to version 2.195 (polluks)
  • Amiguide documentation for fd2pragma has been imported (polluks)
  • Romanian keymap has been added (polluks)
  • fontconfig library has been updated to version 2.11.1 (deadwood)
  • Soft-hyphen support has been added to keymaps (polluks)
(snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 25. Dec. 2015, 08:44] [Comments: 0]
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24.Dec.2015 wishes Merry Christmas!
The team of Amiga-News wishes all Amiga fans a Merry Christmas and a happy new beginning of year 2016.

In the last twelve months again has published about 900 news - after thirty years a still remarkable figure. We want to thank all of you who keep "our" Amiga alive as well as our readers for years of loyalty. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 24. Dec. 2015, 17:55] [Comments: 0]
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AmigaOS 4. Quake engine "Dark Places" supports HD textures
Hugues 'HunoPPC' Nouvel has ported the Quake engine "Dark Places" to AmigaoS 4 which supports high-resolution textures (video). (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 24. Dec. 2015, 17:37] [Comments: 0]
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Retro-Gaming: WHDLoad 18.2 now Freeware
Using WHDLoad you can install games, scene demos and intros from cracking groups to your harddisk that were only working from floppy disks previously. Version 18.2 now is Freeware. It is no longer required or possible to register the programm:
  • the WHDLoad install script speaks german now
  • some small fixes in the Autodoc file (Psygore)
  • small fix in the supplied ITD program to avoid problems while detecting the destination device
  • RoadShow added to the example Startup/Cleanup scripts
  • dumping of loaded files via resload_DiskLoad was broken
  • due to small internal buffer the argument parsing when started from the CLI did not detect a bad argument (Psygore)
  • the blitter wait check (ChkBlitWait/S) now resets the internal run flag also at word reads to dmaconr on the 68030, previously only bytes did that (StingRay)
  • WHDLoad no longer requests a keyfile and it is no longer possible to register WHDLoad, if you have a keyfile it is still loaded/checked and your name will be displayed in the splash window, Thanks to all registered users!
(cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 24. Dec. 2015, 12:52] [Comments: 0]
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MorphZone (Webseite)

MorphOS: RecentFiles.sbar 1.0
The screenbar module RecentFiles developed by OnyxSoft informs the user about new uploads in the MorphOS-Files as well as new versions of the operating system. (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 24. Dec. 2015, 08:16] [Comments: 0]
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viddi (ANF)

Tales of Gorluth I can be downloaded for free
The action adventure game "Tales of Gorluth" which was honoured with the Amiga Games Award 2014 and developed by Patrick Nevian and Javier Alcani using Backbone, can be downloaded for free. Originally the game was distributed on CD and some residual copies can be still purchased at Alinea and Amedia.

In July the sequel was announced which is supposed to be released in June 2016. If you want to support the project by preordering the game, you get pre-versions of the game. (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 23. Dec. 2015, 18:41] [Comments: 0]
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23.Dec.2015 (Webseite)

Podcast: AmiCast 8 interviewed Dennis Boon (Sonnet Amiga project)
In its eighth issue, the English-language podcast AmiCast has interviewed Dennis Boon. With his project "Sonnet Amiga", which originally was announced by Elbox as "SharkPPC", he realized the Sonnet-7200 PCI board as PowerPC accelerator board for the Amiga 3000 and 4000 ( reported). (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 23. Dec. 2015, 05:35] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Future (Webseite)

Accelerator board: Vampire II for Amiga 600 can be preordered
The Vampire is a FPGA-based accelerator board for the Amiga 600 ( reported). Now version II can be preordered.

It is probably available from New Year's Eve on and is supposed to be faster as a 68060-processor with 80 MHz. Due to the added features as 128 MB, HDMI-port and integrated SD-card, it will cost 150 Euro. (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 23. Dec. 2015, 05:20] [Comments: 0]
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Amiga Future (Webseite)

Amiga-Emulator: WinUAE 3.2.2
For the Amiga emulator WinUAE another update to version 3.2 is available, which mainly fixes bugs.

Changes in WinUAE 3.2.2:
  • 3.2.0 bugs fixed:
    • JIT FPU 32-bit and 64-bit compatibility fixes
    • Interlace mode blank screen in some configurations
    • Slirp network mode high CPU usage
    • Some programs that use AGA subpixel scrolling had horizontal jittering
    • Per-monitor high DPI update still caused repeated GUI window closing/opening
  • Other bug fixes:
    • Game controllers suddenly stopped working. Most likely only happened under Windows 10 and only in some setups
    • MIDI out devices missing (x64 only)
    • Serial port transmit buffer was not always flushed
    • 68020+ BFFFO undocumented offset calculation fixed
  • Updates:
    • AVIOutput in capture before filtering mode: width is now always divisible by 16 pixels and height is always even for best codec compatibility
    • Useless, very basic and invisible touch screen mouse and joystick overlay
    • Load config with joystick that is not connected, fall back to previously loaded (default.uae) setting instead of always falling back to keyboard layout A
    • Out of bounds RTG coordinates are now clipped to valid region instead of rejecting whole operation
    • Keyboard names (if available) are now listed in Input panel device list
    • Built-in HRTmon update v2.36
    • Phoenix Board SCSI emulation
(snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 23. Dec. 2015, 05:09] [Comments: 0]
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Carsten Siegner (ANF)

MorphOS: MagicWebP 2.0 beta
Carsten Siegner's MagicWebp is a MorphOS programm for viewing WebP-pictures. Please note, that the available beta version 2.0 still includes bugs , e.g. in entries of the Debug-Log of MorphOS.

MagicWebP supports pictures with lossless and lossy data compression, the usage of the alpha channel as well as animations.

Download: magicwebp_2.0_beta.lha (1 MB) (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 23. Dec. 2015, 05:02] [Comments: 0]
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Emulator: FS-UAE 2.7.6dev
Frode Solheim's FS-UAE is available for Windows, Mac OS X, Linux and BSD and based on WinUAE and "includes an easy-to-use graphical configuration program which allows you to enjoy FS-UAE and Amiga emulation without writing configuration files. Changes in beta version 2.7.6dev:
  • Fix AGA flickering bug introduced in 2.5.40dev
  • Do not use R12 register in x86-64 JIT due to addressing issue
  • Lowered default floppy drive sound volume
  • Warn when uae_cachesize is used without jit_compiler enabled
  • Theme options override options from config
  • Updated emulation core from WinUAE 3220
  • FS-UAE Launcher: Most dialogs are non-modal again
  • FS-UAE Launcher: Misc user interface updates
(cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 23. Dec. 2015, 01:52] [Comments: 0]
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Printing out yourself your Commodore/Amiga calendar 2016
For the forthcoming year, Amiga user "Cobe" from Serbia has created an Amiga calendar which everyone can print out yourself:

(cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 23. Dec. 2015, 01:43] [Comments: 3 - 24. Dec. 2015, 23:56]
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