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Archive 08/2015

31.Aug.2015 (Forum)

AmigaOS 4: SDK for Final Edition released
According to Hyperion Entertainment under the title link, for developers the Software Development Kit (SDK) for the "Final Edition" of AmigaOS 4.1 has been released.

The new SDK version 53.29 will be also part of the programming seminar of this year's AmiWest in Sacramento. (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 31. Aug. 2015, 18:24] [Comments: 0]
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Aminet-Uploads until 29.08.2015
The following archives have been added to Aminet until August 29th, 2015:
fping.i386-aros.lha      comm/tcp   74K   x86 Show which network hosts are ...
toram-i386-aros.lha      comm/tcp   1.1M  x86 Remote GUI for Transmission
toram-morphos.lha        comm/tcp   1.4M  MOS Remote GUI for Transmission
toram-os4.lha            comm/tcp   1.7M  OS4 Remote GUI for Transmission
chronos.lha              demo/euro  1.1M  68k A nice demo by T. Hoyssa 
HardwareScrolling_V1_... demo/intro 52K   68k Hardware scrolling demo
libmpg123.i386-aros.t... dev/lib    2.5M  x86 Library for decoding mpeg aud...
libmpg123.lha            dev/lib    1.3M  OS4 Library for decoding mpeg aud...          dev/src    1K        Simple sinewave beep created ...
exfatfs.lha              disk/misc  177K  OS4 Free exFAT file system implem...
WormWars.lha             game/actio 783K  68k Advanced snake game
WormWarsMOS.lha          game/actio 667K  MOS Advanced snake game
WormWars-OS4.lha         game/actio 1.0M  OS4 Advanced snake game   game/shoot 2.3M  68k Ultimate Maze -Gloom mod
selmasmemorygame.lha     game/think 1.5M  MOS A simple MUI-based memory game
cdxl_player.lha          gfx/show   66K   MOS CDXL player with source code
cdxl_player_DE.lha       gfx/show   1K        German catalog for CDXL Player
Profeta_151.lha          misc/misc  1.3M  68k Studio-Lotto, Italian Lottery
zoomit.pobj.lha          util/misc  33K   MOS A magnify/zoom panel object f...
BenchTrash.lha           util/wb    257K  68k Global trashcan for WB,eject&...
(snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 31. Aug. 2015, 16:53] [Comments: 0]
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OS4Depot-Uploads until 29.08.2015
The following archives have been added to OS4Depot until August 29th, 2015:
mixer.lha                aud/mis 673kb 4.1 Audio mixer
libmpg123.lha            dev/lib 1Mb   4.0 Library for decoding mpeg audio ...
libconfig.lha            dev/lib 512kb 4.0 C/C++ Configuration File Library
libtar.lha               dev/lib 171kb 4.0 C library for manipulating tar f...
libzip.lha               dev/lib 678kb 4.0 Read, create and modify zip arch...
aisshelper.lha           dev/uti 2Mb   4.1 An advanced browser for AISS icons
exfatfs.lha              dri/fil 177kb 4.1 Free exFAT file system implement...
wormwars.lha             gam/act 1018k 4.0 Advanced snake game
selmasmemorygame.lha     gam/chi 1Mb   4.1 A Simple MUI-based memory game
askmeup_demo.lha         gam/mis 18Mb  4.1 A video game about general knowl...
toram.lha                net/p2p 2Mb   4.0 Toram is a remote control of a T...
(snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 31. Aug. 2015, 16:52] [Comments: 0]
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AROS-Archives-Uploads until 29.08.2015
The following archives have been added to AROS-Archives until August 29th, 2015:           aud/mis 215kb Generate sound effects.           dem/sce 6Mb   Port of OpenGL demo from ReAct3
libmpg123.i386-aros.tar.bz2  dev/lib 3Mb   Library for decoding mpeg audio ...
selmasmemorygame.i386-aro... gam/chi 1Mb   A Simple MUI-based memory game            gam/puz 3Mb   Gem collecting puzzles based on ...       lib     280kb The SDL MPEG library
fping.i386-aros.lha          net/mis 74kb  Show which network hosts are alive         uti/mis 785kb Single-threaded CPU miner for cr...
(snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 31. Aug. 2015, 16:52] [Comments: 0]
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MorphOS-Files-Uploads until 29.08.2015
The following archives have been added to MorphOS-Files until August 29th, 2015:
AskMeUp Demo             2.4.0   gam/thi  18955 A demo version of a "trivia...
gTranslator              3.4     uti/des    226 A screenbar module for lang...
PastePass                1.2     uti/tex     97 A simple password manager w...
(snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 31. Aug. 2015, 16:52] [Comments: 0]
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WHDLoad: New packages until 29.08.2015
Using WHDLoad, you can install games, scene demos and intros from cracking groups to your harddisk that were only working from floppy disks previously. The following installers have been added until August 29th, 2015: (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 31. Aug. 2015, 16:52] [Comments: 0]
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31.Aug.2015 (Webseite)

Bootdisk-Creator: Amiga911 Maker 1.62
Using the Amiga911 Maker, you can create boot disk under AmigaOS 3.0/3.1, which contains some tools which are compressed by LZX or XPK. This requires an Amiga with at least 1 MB RAM, recommended are 2 MB.

Changes in version 1.62:
  • Amiga911 Maker is now a kind of "All In One" type of solution, which means that apart from the main copyrighted system files, it includes everything needed for creating boot disks. This consists of two new archives called A911-ProgramsA.lha & A911-ProgramsB.lha, which contains all major files of the various programs that can be added to the projects.
  • Four new programs are now supported: DiskSalv4 (disk salvage program by Dave Haynie), MaxTransTest (tests the MaxTransfer value of a partition), PFSSalv2 (save files from damaged PFS partitions) and SFSSalv (recover files from damaged SFS partitions).
  • Upon booting the Amiga911 disk or Emergency Disk II, you can now press & hold either of the Crtl, Shift, Alt or Amiga keys to enter DosBoot mode (boot directly to Dos instead of Workbench). This will also open a new DosBoot menu, where you among other things can easily edit the Startup-Sequence of the disk, by just pressing a few keys.
  • Amiga911 Maker does now have a new Prefs window with various options. The most important one is the "Use Workbench ADF image files as copy sources" option, which as the title suggests, may allow you to use Workbench ADF images instead of real disks whenever A911Maker wants to copy files from them. By enabling & properly configuring this functionality, A911Maker will then automatically try to mount the ADF's as virtual drives whenever it's required.
  • Another option in A911Maker Prefs is "Expert Mode". If enabled, it will make it possible to include stuff that really requires a 68020 CPU as minimum to 68000 based projects (Poseidon, SFS, DiskImage & JanoEditor). This option is mainly meant for those who know what they're doing (hence the option name).
  • SysInfo 4.0 has now replaced the old 3.24 version of the program.
  • All Amiga911 disks, regardless of OS version, can now contain HDToolBox 40.4 and FastFileSystem 40.1.
  • Version 2.3 of PFS3 All-In-One (AIO) has been added, and it will now always use the original name pfs3_aio-handler instead of PFS3-AIO.
  • AmigaOS 2.x projects can now contain SmartFileSystem 1.58, which is the last known version of SFS that works with OS 2.x
  • Two new text files will be added to all A911Maker projects: ProgsInfo gives some info about the programs included on the disk/pack, and HDSetupTips will provide various hints that might be useful when setting up a harddisk on the Amiga. Examples of this includes what DosType and MaxTransfer values to use.
  • A third-party alternative of the Mount command will now be included on all Amiga911 disks. The OS2.0 version will also from now on include standard device mount files.
  • The Most textviewer replaces xMore on Amiga911 disks for OS2.x, the reason for this is because it turned out that xMore really isn't that 2.x compatible. Most will now always be included on the A911Extras disks/packs as well.
  • New solution regarding the HDToolBox & HDInstTools icons on the Amiga911 disk! If the icon tooltypes needs to be edited, just do this and save the changes. Now select "HD Icon To Disk" from the WB menu, and the icon will be copied to the Amiga911 disk. This new icon will then have priority over the one present in the lzx archive.
  • A911Extras disk/pack can now include HDToolBox. It will also contain a special version of the SystemXtra script, and the System & Tools drawers have now been merged into a single SysTools drawer. There is also a new Docs drawer as well. AmigaGuide can now only be included on OS2.x versions of A911Extras.
  • FileMaster3 can now be added to AmigaOS 2.1 projects since it turned out that the 68000 version actually works with this OS version (it just crashes on 2.0 though). There are however a couple of workarounds involved, because certain functions will just crash the Amiga. One example is the internal ILBM viewer, which will be overridden by another added button.
  • New 8 color settings for DiskMaster2, FileMaster3 and Ordering. It's really recommended that these are used instead of the 16 color ones on Amigas with OCS/ECS chipset since they should be a little bit snappier.
  • If FileMaster3 is added to your project, the bgui_palette.gadget file will now be included as well. This makes it possible to configure all parts of FM3.
  • RTPatch is now included on Amiga911 disks for OS2.0. The reason for this is to solve the asl.library 37.x vs 38.x problem, where certain programs requires version 38.x of the library, while others just crashes with it.
  • The StartProgram script that's included on the boot disks have been cleaned up a little, and it will now only contain the stuff that is relevant to the actual programs present on the floppy disk.
  • If AmigaGuide support should not be included on the Amiga911 disk, a new very simple executable called MulTiView will be added to the floppy. Whenever it's run, MulTiView will open either the xMore or Most text viewer (which are now located in C:). The reason for this solution is to save on the Ram usage when Amiga911 are booted on low-mem Amigas.
  • Page 3 of "Configure system" in Amiga911 Maker has been slightly changed. The SFSTools & PFSTools options are now renamed to SFSformat & PFSformat, and a new SFSCheck option have been added. PFSDoctor is now a new selectable item in the "Configure programs" window.
  • The PrepCard option has been removed from Amiga911 Maker. This tool is only needed for setting up a PCMCIA SRAM card as RAM or storage device on a A1200 or A600, so it's usefulness is rather limited.
  • Various bug fixes and enhancements.
(cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 31. Aug. 2015, 00:04] [Comments: 0]
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31.Aug.2015 (Webseite)

MorphOS: Password manager PastePass 1.2
Stefan 'Kronos' Kleinheinrich's PastePass is a password manager for MorphOS with encrypted database which enters user name and password by pressing a special keyboard shortcut. A tool for encrypting the passwords is included as well.

Changes in version 1.2:
  • load and save KeyPassX compatible XML files
  • basic grouping of entries
  • a default user can be selected
  • spanish and french locales included
Download: PastePass.lha (97 KB) (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 31. Aug. 2015, 00:00] [Comments: 0]
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File manager: Directory Opus 5.91 for AmigaOS 3/4 and AROS
Since late 2012 the file manager Directory Opus 5 (formerly: "Magellan") became open source. After a year, a new update is available which fixes bugs.

With this release, the format of the configuration file has changed. Directory Opus 5.91 will load files of previous versions without any problems but when saving will convert them into a new format, which previous versions of the programm cannot read any longer.
  • Increased embedded font filename sizes
  • added/updated internal version checks of libs/modules to avoid crashes when users mix old and new setups
  • removed the ~1MB upper limit for the stack of launched programs (Environment/Cli Launching/Stack)
  • make default minimum stack size a bit bigger that 4000 everywhere (8192 for os3 , and 16384 for os4/mos/aros)
  • some cosmetic everywhere (like about window now contain more info, updating to the latest one, and co)
  • more 64bit fixes: experimental dospatches (dopus/dospatch env) & some of modules works as expected.
  • fixed 2 bugs in xadopus.module which left unnoticed: trash of memory when close lister with content, and wrong unpacking of directories with half-same names
  • fixed most of cases when user want to use new version of dopus over old 5.82 to avoid crashes
  • reworked LowMemory handler
  • many OS3 only fixes (i.e, crash when OS3 environment palette window (configopus) closed, most of crashes because of mixing old and new componenets (like crash if dopus5.library missing or outdated), etc). Also now ks3.0 is minimum, not ks3.1 as it was with 5.90.
  • many OS4 only fixes(i.e, making dopus5 works with recent MUIs, fixing crash if "dopus/PatchWBInfo" environmental variable is set and the WBInfo patch is used,
  • filetype.module crash, join.module "split" progress window graph, more 64bit fixes, lister up-scrolling problem, etc)
  • many AROS only fixes (i.e, disks can now be hidden (Environment/Desktop/HiddenDrives, saving the FTP options now works, fixig of lister's backgrounds, fixing of deadlocks with AmiStart, drag mask for screens with high color depth, popup menu icon, etc)
  • All the little tweaks and fixes all over the place, check the ChangeLog for more details
If you find any bugs, then please report them to the Sourceforge project site. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 30. Aug. 2015, 23:56] [Comments: 0]
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AROS: A week in AROS (from 03.08.15)
Weekly Krzysztof 'Deadwood' Śmiechowicz summarizes the latest progresses and developments of the AROS-programmers.

Week of August 10th:
  • AROS repository reached 51000 commits!
  • libiconv have been updated to newer versions (Kalamatee)
Week of August 17th:
  • MUI Window class now sends notifications on changing the position and size (neil)
  • It is now possible to set notifications of List MUI class attributes on Listview MUI class (neil)
  • Notifications on ClickColumn attribute of Listview MUI class have been restored to work (deadwood)
  • emul-handler is now blocked from seeking beyond end of file (neil)
(cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 28. Aug. 2015, 00:07] [Comments: 0]
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