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File manager: Directory Opus 5.91 for AmigaOS 3/4 and AROS
Since late 2012 the file manager Directory Opus 5 (formerly: "Magellan") became open source. After a year, a new update is available which fixes bugs.

With this release, the format of the configuration file has changed. Directory Opus 5.91 will load files of previous versions without any problems but when saving will convert them into a new format, which previous versions of the programm cannot read any longer.
  • Increased embedded font filename sizes
  • added/updated internal version checks of libs/modules to avoid crashes when users mix old and new setups
  • removed the ~1MB upper limit for the stack of launched programs (Environment/Cli Launching/Stack)
  • make default minimum stack size a bit bigger that 4000 everywhere (8192 for os3 , and 16384 for os4/mos/aros)
  • some cosmetic everywhere (like about window now contain more info, updating to the latest one, and co)
  • more 64bit fixes: experimental dospatches (dopus/dospatch env) & some of modules works as expected.
  • fixed 2 bugs in xadopus.module which left unnoticed: trash of memory when close lister with content, and wrong unpacking of directories with half-same names
  • fixed most of cases when user want to use new version of dopus over old 5.82 to avoid crashes
  • reworked LowMemory handler
  • many OS3 only fixes (i.e, crash when OS3 environment palette window (configopus) closed, most of crashes because of mixing old and new componenets (like crash if dopus5.library missing or outdated), etc). Also now ks3.0 is minimum, not ks3.1 as it was with 5.90.
  • many OS4 only fixes(i.e, making dopus5 works with recent MUIs, fixing crash if "dopus/PatchWBInfo" environmental variable is set and the WBInfo patch is used,
  • filetype.module crash, join.module "split" progress window graph, more 64bit fixes, lister up-scrolling problem, etc)
  • many AROS only fixes (i.e, disks can now be hidden (Environment/Desktop/HiddenDrives, saving the FTP options now works, fixig of lister's backgrounds, fixing of deadlocks with AmiStart, drag mask for screens with high color depth, popup menu icon, etc)
  • All the little tweaks and fixes all over the place, check the ChangeLog for more details
If you find any bugs, then please report them to the Sourceforge project site. (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 30. Aug. 2015, 23:56] [Comments: 0]
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