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Aminet uploads until 15.03.2025
The following files have been added until 15.03.2025 to Aminet:
AmigaTText-m68k-amigaos.lha    comm/misc  2.0M  OS3 Shows GER Teletext Site...   
AmigaTText-ppc-amigaos.lha     comm/misc  2.7M  OS4 Shows GER Teletext Site...   
AmigaTText-ppc-morphos.lha     comm/misc  2.4M  MOS Shows GER Teletext Site...   
AmigaTText-ppc-warpup.lha      comm/misc  2.3M  WUP Shows GER Teletext Site...   
amigassh.lha                   comm/net   111K  OS3 SSH2 for the Amiga                       
anaiis.lha                     driver/oth 256K  OS3 ANAIIS USB Stack Releas...            
anaiis_boot.lha                driver/oth 261K  OS3 ANAIIS USB Boot disk Re...        
anaiis_massive.lha             driver/oth  85K  OS3 Massive / rMassstorage....
SonnetLibrary.lha              driver/oth 414K  OS3 Driver for G3/G4 PCI ca...               
Nightshade.adf                 game/actio 880K  OS3 A game inspired by A.C....       
AbsoluteZero.lha               game/jump  1.4M  OS3 AGA puzzle platformer g...               
silhouette-threat-AGA-HD.lha   game/jump  438K  OS3 Level 1 of Platformer S...  
speedhaste.lha                 game/race  318K  OS3 Speed Haste / Circuit R...   
AmiArcadia-OS4.lha             misc/emu    11M  OS4 Signetics-based machine...        
AmiArcadia.lha                 misc/emu    10M  OS3 Signetics-based machine...        
AmiArcadiaMOS.lha              misc/emu    10M  MOS Signetics-based machine...        
OkinawaTeaCer.lha              mods/32bit 1.4M  GEN 16bit 6ch Karate Kid 2 ...              mods/8voic  32K  GEN 16bit 6ch Karate Kid 2 ...        
pfetch.lha                     util/moni   23K  GEN Pretty fetch for MorphO...                 

[News message: 16. Mar. 2025, 07:34] [Comments: 0]
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