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Thalamus Digital

Rogue-like game: Roguecraft 1.5
The Rogue-like game Roguecraft (video, reported) has been updated to version 1.5, providing the following changes:
  • There is now a Highscore screen.
  • The high scores are saved when exiting the Highscore screen after Game Over or completing the game.
  • Faster transitions between rooms. On a stock A500 you will notice a delay after the transition, but for faster CPUs the transitions will be faster. Transition is hiding unpacking and was timed to A500. Now it is timed to A1200.
  • Some changes to the end boss to make it more of a challenge.
  • The Teleport ability of Rogue does not cost a turn anymore.
  • The Teleport ability and potion now teleports to a random door area, so it is more useful to get out of a tight situation.
  • Monsters that walk into traps actually walk into the traps instead of just getting insta-killed.
  • Added sparkles on the title screen!
  • Updated Wizard animation (less crooked back and improved walk animation)
  • Updated Gluthulhu animation (an animation was played backward in previous version)
  • Updated wall tiles for secret rooms. These should be a little more visible now!
  • Updated main font.
  • Updated some level graphics assets.
  • Some minor text tweaks where there was inconsistent casing.
  • Also fixed some gfx garbage in transitions between screens.

[News message: 10. Mar. 2025, 05:57] [Comments: 0]
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