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Fast file and image transfer: MailSender 1.03 for AmigaOS 4 and MorphOS
MailSender minimises the effort required to send files and images by e-mail and offers a user-friendly interface. The new program from Zoltan Lazar offers the following functions, among others:
  • image conversion: automatic conversion of images to JPG format
  • resizing: on-the-fly image size adjustment
  • archiving: optional zipping of files in a ZIP archive or creation of a PDF document before sending
The e-mails are sent via SMTP or SMTPS protocol. The user simply has to drop the file(s) or entire directories into the program window and specify an e-mail address for the recipient. Optionally, a password can be set and a subject and content text can be written. The e-mail is sent by clicking on the Send button.

MailSender is available in version 1.03 for AmigaOS 4 and for MorphOS, free of charge. (nba)

[News message: 04. Mar. 2025, 17:21] [Comments: 0]
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