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Video: Forgotten Town - A story of early German Hardcore Techno
The video documentary "Forgotten Town - A story of early German Hardcore Techno" tells the story of the origins of the scene magazine "Hakke" (webarchive link), which was produced in Chemnitz (Germany) in the 1990s . All issues of the magazine were produced with an Amiga 4000 from 'JaDe'.

Almost all productions of the Borschtsch project, such as Get High, were also produced with the Amiga: initially with the Oktalyzer, later productions then with OctaMED Soundstudio and various MIDI devices.

All the background music in the film is produced by Borschtsch and on the Amiga. (dr)

[News message: 03. Mar. 2025, 18:11] [Comments: 0]
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