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PTDQ: Chunky-to-planar video system for AGA Amigas
In chunky mode, all the bits that make up the color of a pixel are stored directly one after the other in memory. In bitplane mode, on the other hand, which is used by the Amiga's framebuffer, several black and white images ("planes", each with one bit per pixel) are stored independently of each other in memory. For 3D graphics, it is better to calculate these using a chunky framebuffer and then convert them into a bitplane framebuffer - the so-called chunky-to-planar conversion.

PTDQ (Pixel Tetrads Dots / Quality) is a video system for AGA Amigas that uses a new method for this conversion. It is based on the same principle as a third method, PTDS (Pixel Tetrads Dots / Speed), which is already three years old. Both restrict the freedom of color selection (PTDS also limits the maximum number of colors from 256 to 81), but are faster than the traditional chunky-to-planar conversion method. With PTDQ, the color selection and quality remain limited, but less so than with PTDS. Details on the Pixel Tetrads Dots method can be found in the documentation contained in the archive. (snx)

[News message: 12. Feb. 2025, 11:22] [Comments: 0]
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