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Cross compiler/Assembler: Calypsi 5.8.1
"Calypsi" is a collection of compilers and assemblers that run under Windows, Linux and macOS and can generate code for various retro platforms - 6502 and 68000 processors are supported, among others. Although the project is hosted on Github, the source code is not freely available and use of the tools is only permitted for private purposes.

Changes in version 5.8.1:
  • Assembly sections using the same name as a compiler data section now sets the corresponding type qualifier. This makes the auto placement in the linker also work for assembly projects.
  • Switch statements with a single statement body (not a composite) caused an internal error.
  • Correct value in a compound literals casting the address of an external variable to an integer of fewer bits caused a linker range error.
  • 6502/65816: Correct spill handling which in some cases could result in an internal error, typically illegal instruction related to using the register.
  • 6502: Add a mechanism to restore zero page pseudo registers to allow safe return to Commodore 64 and MEGA65 BASIC. To enable it, place the following line somewhere in your application #pragma require __preserve_zp. Refer to the Target specifics chapter in the user guide for more information.
  • 6502: Correct a problem in the peephole optimizer that for multiple successive spill/fill operations with push/pull in an extended block in some situations could rearrange the order of operations with the rest of the code.

[News message: 06. Feb. 2025, 23:07] [Comments: 0]
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