Image editor: PyDPainter 2.1.0 for Windows
The image editor PyDPainter (new video) is inspired by DPaint and according to its author Mark Riale an attempt to create a usable pixel art program in Python using PyGame that can handle low resolutions and limited colour palettes and which can be as easy to use as possible (amiga-news.de reported). Version 2.1.0, among others, implements animbrushes:
- Faster animated GIF loading
- Preserve palette when converting to fewer colors
- Implement animbrushes
- Load/Save IFF ANIM (ANBR) and GIF brushes
- Grab Frames - grab animbrush from frames in an animation
- Grab Grid - grab animbrush from a sprite sheet on a single screen
- New Brush Grid requestor:
- Number of cells and offset in X and Y
- Flex grid in X and Y for non-uniform sprite sheets
- Align brushes in X and Y for flex grid
- Visual representation with draggable grid
- Settings:
- forward/backward/ping-pong/random
- set duration (skip or duplicate animbrush frames)
- set current frame
- Add shift-F11 to not grab mouse
- Improve Fill Type requestor:
- Gradient fill direction was rendered backwards
- Added new fill direction gadget
- Ghost controls that don't make sense
- Improve grid:
- Add number spinners
- Add "From Brush" button to Grid requestor to get grid size from the brush
- Shift-G sets grid offset to cursor
- Added ExclBrush pref so a brush grabbed while in grid mode is one less pixel in both X and Y directions
- Added window shade gadget to draggable requestors: Stencil, Palette, and Brush Grid
- Bug fixes:
- fix stencil events falling through requestor
- Fix recovery mode crashing sometimes
- Fix stencil clipping for pictures larger than the screen
- Fix stencil brush pick-up to be like Deluxe Paint III
- Avoid lock-up on flood fill
- fix [ and ] keys for AZERTY and add keyboard F12 debug
[News message: 31. Jan. 2025, 06:15] [Comments: 0]
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