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Amiga emulator for macOS: vAmiga v3.0b3
Starting with version 2.6.1, developer Dirk Hoffmann made changes to the internal architecture of his Amiga emulator vAmiga for MacOS with the aim of porting the new emulator architecture of VirtualC64 v5.0 to vAmiga in order to enable features such as Run-Ahead (background article). Now he has released the second beta version of version. Changes compared to the second beta version:
  • vAmiga can parse SDL controller descriptions, thus supporting a much broader variety of gamepads now
  • Fixed a write-protection bug related to hard drives
  • Resuming the emulator in warp mode no longer unmutes audio
The minimum system requirement for its emulator is macOS 11.0. (dr)

[News message: 23. Dec. 2024, 16:45] [Comments: 0]
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