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AmiGameJam: Numerous new games introduced
The deadline for this year's edition of the AmiGameJam programming competition, which has the motto "The Sequel That Never Was", is just a few hours away: Participants are to develop a sequel to a classic Amiga game. A number of new titles have been presented in the last two days, and we are currently aware of a total of 15 games intended for the jam:

Tale of Evil (video) is the successor to Tower of Evil, which was also released this year. An ECS Amiga with one megabyte of RAM is required; additional graphics and music are integrated into the game when installed on a hard disk.

The vertically scrolling shooter Insanity Fight 2 (video) is described by the author as a "quick'n dirty prototype": development only started this month. Currently one level including the final boss has been implemented, the target platform is an Amiga with a 68000 (recommended: 68010) processor and one megabyte of RAM.

Peter Mackay's turn-based strategy game North And South Wars (video) is based on the US Civil War, but uses game mechanics inspired by Nintendo's Advance Wars. At least an A500 is required, the game is controlled entirely with the mouse.

Rintivoorh (video) is also still in the prototype stage, the only existing level does not yet have a final boss. The Hawkeye successor supports a second fire button and runs on any Amiga with at least one megabyte of RAM.

The puzzle game Master of Minefields (video) offers 10 different game modes and 350 levels. Originally developed for the CD32, the title currently runs on any PAL-AGA Amiga. Adaptations for NTSC and ECS/OCS computers are planned.

Unlike its predecessor, the arena shooter Extreme Violence 2 (video) supports four participants instead of just two. The programmer describes the development status as "fully playable but missing some polish, optimisation, and bug fixing.". The title, written in C, runs on any Amiga with one megabyte of RAM; if only 512 KB of chip RAM is available, the playing fields are slightly reduced in size. After several preview videos, the game is now also available for download.

The top-down racer Riviera '79 (video) is inspired by Sega's arcade classic Monaco GP. Two fire buttons are supported, the racer should run on any Amiga with 512 KB RAM, one megabyte is required when starting from the Workbench.

Previously known titles

The following competitors have already been presented in previous reports: (cg)

[News message: 30. Nov. 2024, 11:03] [Comments: 0]
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