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Dimitris 'MiDWaN' Panokostas

Amiga emulator: Amiberry V7.0.0-RC1
Amiberry is an Amiga emulator for ARM-based single-chip systems such as the Raspberry Pi, the Odroid XU4 or the Tinkerboard from ASUS, which comes with some newly developed features such as a "WHDLoad-Booter" or support for controller configuration using RetroArch and is used, for example, in the AmiKit workbench distribution for the Raspberry Pi 4/400. A modified version of Amiberry is also the basis for the THEA500 Mini.

The current release candidate ("RC") of version 7.0.0 is not recommended for weaker systems, for which an update of "Amiberry-Lite" will be provided shortly. The changes in detail:
  • Amiberry is now delivered as a package, instead of just an archive with binaries. This also means that you don't have to manually install the dependencies, before you can run it (the package will take care of that for you automatically). For Debian or Ubuntu based systems there's a .DEB package, for Fedora there's RPM and for macOS users, there are DMG images that can be used. You can now install Amiberry by downloading the archive, extracting it, and doing something like sudo apt install ./amiberry-XYZ.deb (for DEB). Upgrading to a newer version becomes as simple as installing it on top again. Uninstalling it is simple as well (sudo apt remove amiberry) and it will clean up the dependencies after it. Check the main README for instructions per platform.
  • The directory structure handling has changed. Amiberry will not install itself into standard locations, placing shared libraries where they are expected in the system, and will use the user's HOME folder to create an Amiberry directory, if it doesn't exist. That will contain the user-configurable stuff, like directories for Floppy images, Harddrives, Configurations etc. Meanwhile, internal directories are placed elsewhere, to reduce clutter. Check the Wiki for more details:
  • The MacOS binaries are finally signed with an Apple-recognized developer certificate, and they are notarized. This means you no longer have to manually bypass the system's security, to allow it to run. You can just drag and drop it to your Applications and start it up like any other downloaded App. You'll only get a warning that this was downloaded from the Internet, as expected.
  • Hi-DPI support has been added, so if you're running this on Linux with scaling enabled, or macOS Retina displays, things should look better now.Integer scaling has been added and improved. Check the wiki for more details on this as well.Serial port support has been fixed, as it was broken for some versions now.GUI Themes have been implemented, so you can now customize the color scheme.The whole list of Expansions from WinUAE have been implemented, including PPC, PCI, DSP, custom graphics cards, network cards, SCSI controllers, etc. The Expansion panel was refactored significantly, but the functionality is trying to match the same one from WinUAE, to make things easier between the two emulators. (cg)

    [News message: 28. Nov. 2024, 21:35] [Comments: 0]
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