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Andreas Gouders via A1K

ADF-Tool: ADF-Blitzer 3.0 has been published
More than two decades after the last version 2.20, Andreas Gouders has released version 3.0 of his ‘ADF Blitzer’. The tool can be used to convert floppy disks in drives DF0: to DF3: into an ADF file or to write ADF files back to floppy disks.

The software developed in Blitz Basic was largely rewritten for the new version and now has a modernised user interface. It also requires less memory because the loaded ADF file is not stored in the entire RAM – only 512 KB of free RAM is now required (in addition to Kick-ROM 2.0 or higher). A conversion abort function and a progress bar have also been added. Furthermore, only drives that are actually connected are displayed, and the drive menu is now only displayed when more than one drive is present. (nba)

[News message: 19. Nov. 2024, 10:59] [Comments: 1 - 24. Nov. 2024, 22:25]
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