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Michal Schulz

Motorola68k emulation: Emu68 v1.03
Michal Schulz has released an update of his Motorola68K emulation Emu68 for the ARM architecture focussing on the PiStorm and PiStorm32lite ( reported). Compared to version 1.0, Emu68 v1.03 offers the following changes:
  • Accesses to non-existent memory areas return data other than just a 0xFF value - this avoids an error in Lha
  • Update of unicam.resource to the latest version. This is used with the Framethrower (A1200) or HDaMI (A600) hardware extensions to output the Amiga's RGB image from the Pi via HDMI.
  • Fixed bug in buptest where the chip ram was overwritten
  • New option for cmdline.txt: z3_disable - this disables all Emu68-Zorro3 boards completely. This means: no RTG, no WiFi, no microSD hard discs

[News message: 18. Sep. 2024, 21:23] [Comments: 0]
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