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Commodity: DrawerGenie V0.7
Originally written for the Amiga Tool Jam ( reported), Rob 'daedalus2097' Cranley continues to work on his commodity "DrawerGenie" and has now released version 0.7. DrawerGenie allows you to add simple toolbars to the drawer windows of the Workbench, among other things. Changes to version 0.7:
  • Added palette-remapping for toolbar graphics
  • Added support for user-defined toolbar graphics
  • Added support for XAD un-archiver
  • Added support for transparency in icon imagery
  • Added option to set polling frequency
  • Added support for AISS (incomplete)
  • Fixed many bugs throughout, including:
    • Created archives only contained one selected icon
    • Misaligned dropdown menus
    • Misaligned options in Prefs window
Direct download: DrawerGenie.lha (242 KB) (dr)

[News message: 17. Sep. 2024, 06:35] [Comments: 0]
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