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Video: Image and music editing possible with the A600GS?
YouTuber 'Proteque' took a look at the now available A600GS computer ( reported), particularly with regard to image and music editing. His conclusion: he has high hopes for the future and is happy to support the project, but currently it was not in a state he can enjoy it. In his opinion, the computer is not intended for the "casual gamer", but for Amiga enthusiasts. What bothers him most at the moment are the slowdowns in the desktop environment due to the 68k emulation and the fact that OctaMED does not start, but this should be fixed this week.

As Amiga Kit explains in response to our article, four system updates have been released since the video was published, which have fixed most of the bugs. OctaMED, for example, is now running smoothly again, as a problem with the stack of fonts in the disc font library has been fixed. (dr)

[News message: 05. Aug. 2024, 13:24] [Comments: 1 - 06. Aug. 2024, 16:41]
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