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10.Jul.2024 (forum)

Crowdfunding: Book project by David Pleasance - "Dare to Dream"
After "Commodore - The Inside Story" and "From Vultures to Vampires", former Commodore UK manager David Pleasance is looking for pre-orders for a third book project at the title link. This time, however, the subject is fictional - "Dare to Dream" invites the reader to dream about what might have been if the author, together with the co-managing director Colin Proudfoot, had succeeded in taking over Commodore UK as planned following the bankruptcy of the parent company.

According to the description, former Commodore developer Dave Haynie assists him in writing the book. Participants in the crowdfunding campaign will receive the finished work for 30 British Pounds plus shipping costs (for the EU this will amount to a total of 40 Pounds, around 47 Euros), with the regular retail price being 39 pounds later. (snx)

[News message: 10. Jul. 2024, 19:16] [Comments: 0]
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