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OS4Depot uploads until 06.07.2024
The following files have been added until 06.07.2024 to OS4Depot:
fd2pragma.tar.gz         dev/mis 118kb 4.0 Tool to create pragmas and inlin...
pasm.tar.gz              dev/mis 85kb  4.0 PowerPC assembler
vdam68k.tar.gz.tar       dev/uti 110kb 4.0 A 68k disassembler
vdappc.tar.gz.tar        dev/uti 70kb  4.0 A PowerPC disassembler
amiarcadia.lha           emu/gam 8Mb   4.0 Signetics-based machines emulator
pintorweb.lha            gra/mis 7Mb   4.0 A simple and easy picture editor
ntpsync.lha              net/mis 35kb  4.0 Synchronizing clocks in the Inte...
ign-addon-ods.lha        off/spr 204kb 4.1 Ignition addon for access ods-files
ign-addon-xlsx.lha       off/spr 303kb 4.1 Ignition addon for access xlsx-f...
ignition.lha             off/spr 5Mb   4.1 A modern spreadsheet
ignition-src.lha         off/spr 1Mb   4.0 A modern spreadsheet (source)
tinyulmui.lha            uti/mis 55kb  4.0 MUI-based tinybld PIC uploader (...
airscan.lha              uti/pri 1Mb   4.1 Native Amiga scanner utility

[News message: 08. Jul. 2024, 07:53] [Comments: 0]
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