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AmigaOS 4: Spreadsheet ignition 1.30
Achim Pankalla has released version 1.30 of his spreadsheet ignition which at least requires AmigaOS 4.1 update 6. Changes:
  • Some GUI-errors are corrected.
  • The printing prozess can now be stopped.
  • Some Guru-failures are eliminated
  • The number of copies field in the printer dialog now works.
  • The zoom factor in printer dialog accepts now manual set values.
  • A new function for replacing text in a string was added.
  • New functions for number conversions.
  • Error in "select" function was fixed.
  • An error in the 3D column diagram was fixed.

[News message: 04. Jul. 2024, 06:15] [Comments: 1 - 06. Jul. 2024, 21:06]
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