Amiga emulator: Amiberry 5.7.2 and 6.3.2 (preview), (update)
Amiberry is an Amiga emulator for ARM-based single-chip systems like the Raspberry Pi, the Odroid XU4 or the Tinkerboard from ASUS, which brings some newly developed features like a "WHDLoad-Booter" or support for controller configuration using RetroArch. For example it is used in the Workbench distribution AmiKit for the Raspberry Pi 4/400.
New versions have now been released: version 5.7.1 is recommended for ARM devices (like the Raspberry Pi) and Version 6.3.1 (preview) for x86 and generally faster boards (ARM included). Both versions offer numerous new features, bug fixes and improvements.
The Preview 6.x will become the new "stable" flatpak available. This will help with the limitations of the Flatpak system regarding "stable" vs "beta" versions, since you cannot use both of them at the same time (you have to switch). Having Preview as the "stable" version, will help with people trying to use it in faster boards, like the SteamDeck, with minimum hassle.
Update: (22:04, 06.06.24, dr)
Today version 5.7.2 and version 6.3.2 (preview) have been released. (dr)
[News message: 03. Jun. 2024, 20:24] [Comments: 0]
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