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Amiga Kit: A600GS Wiki updated
In addition to the launch of a dedicated, albeit currently still empty, A600GS website for the planned games console, which will be available in the first quarter of 2024, the Wiki under the title link has also been updated. According to this, there will be two versions available: "A600GS" will be equipped with 2GB system memory and 64 GB total memory and the "A600GS+" with 4GB system memory and 128 GB total memory. The official joypad will be standard equipment, while the mouse will only be supplied with the A600GS+ or as an additional purchase. This will be required for the standard applications such as Personal Paint (PPaint) and OctaMED. Furthermore, Amibench V46 and Directory Opus 4 GPL are included in the software package. Three screenshots of the Amibench user interface are now also available, showing which icons are used.

As Matthew Leaman from AmigaKit Ltd. informs us, an agreement has also been concluded with Markus "Captain" Kaarlonen. The A600GS contains his original Amiga music tracks "Space Debris" and "Beyond Music" as well as their newer MP3 remasters and remixes. (dr)

[News message: 23. Nov. 2023, 21:23] [Comments: 0]
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