Michael Rupp (ANF)
Javascript: TAWS - The Amiga Workbench Simulation 0.36
TAWS ("The Amiga Workbench Simulation") is a Javascript simulation of the Amiga-Workbench 1.0 - 4.1 FE for Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera and Apple-WebKit-Browser (including Odyssey). Any kind of feedback the author Michael Rupp would very appreciate. His work can be supported by a little donation from inside TAWS or via this link.
Version 0.36 includes the following changes:
Tribute to OS 3.2:
- new preset «OS 3.2»
- new patterns «AmigaOS 3.2» (for WB) and «Light Grey» (for windows)
- new window layouts:
- 3.2 18*14 (9:7)
- 3.2 18*16 (9:8)
- 3.2 18*18 (1:1)
- MagicMenuPrefs: new entry «OS 3.2» for «Look» with option «Mark submenus» activated
- new Kickstart image when cancelling «TAWS Early Preset Selection»
- simulation of 3.2 specific details:
- RAM fuelbar showing its real size and not always 100%.
- Resistance when dragging a window out of the screen
- Resize pointer on the Sizer gadget and while chaning the window's size
- Displaying the release version in the Workbench titlebar.
- Menu adjustments:
- «Workbench / Open volume»
- «Window / Update» is active even if no window is active and will therefor update the Workbench.
- «Window / Sort order»
- «Icons / Eject disk»
- «Tools / Auto-arrange Icons»
- «Tools / Help» (Funktion aber noch nicht implementiert)
- Shell: icons can be dragged into the shell window to insert their paths at cursor position.
- Iconifying of windows:
- Prefs windows
- Shell
- MultiView
- Clock
- Behaviour of iconified window's appicons:
- Menu «Icons»: all items disabled except «Open»
- Message in screenbar if drag'n'dropped into a window.
- Open if an icon is drag'n'dropped onto an appicon.
- Open if an appicon is drag'n'dropped onto another icon on the Workbench.
- AsyncWB activated
- AsyncWB requester:
- exclamation symbol
- resizeable
- center on screen
- support for «Enter» and «Esc» to invoke first and last buttons
- AmigaGuide:
- Support for embedded images using
@{img filepath} , even in IFF-ILBM format. Links to .info files are resolved to the according TAWS icon images, as well.
- Support for the virtual assignment
GUIDEDIR: being AmigaGuide file's the origin path.
- new navigation layout, «Forward» button, page number, displaying buttons on two rows for small windows
- displaying image resolutions in the «About» dialog
- Palette:
- 8 NewLook presets plus 1 additional classic («Magic»)
- larger color wheel
- Clock:
- date font
- menu item «Help / Show Guide» opens the corresponding help file in «MultiView», shortcut «Help» («Pause/Break» in TAWS)
- Font, Palette, Workbench: shortcut «Help» («Pause/Break» in TAWS) the corresponding help file in «MultiView»
- mouse wheel activated
- maximize windows when clicking on the SizeChanger gadget while holding shift key
- Icons blink if selected by entering their names.
- Amiga Early Startup Control
- customised layout
- keyboard shortcuts
- Expansion Board Diagnostic: more columns
- Boot Options:
- Enable System Log: creates the file «Ram:syslog»
- Failsafe Boot: boots into a basic 4-color-MedRes-Workbench and disabled some features.
- customised «Boot With No Startup-Sequence»
Many thanks to Hyperion Entertainment and the AmigaOS 3.2 Development Team for continuing to develop the AmigaOS classic line.
Link to their product webpage: AmigaOS 3.2
- HippoPlayer: new features according to version 2.58 for 68k Amigas by K-P Koljonen:
- support for lots and lots of additional module formats
- support for playing audio files using HTML5 audio (if supported by the browser):
- MP3
- AIFF (Safari only)
- internet search (based on the UHC-Tools server like in HiP 68k) for
- AmigaRemix
- Aminet
- Modland
- Radion stations
- Remix.Kwed.org
- Shared lists
- Turran FTP
- support for packed files in ZIP or LHA format
- improved random playing like in HiP 68k
- keyboard shortcuts like in HiP 68k 2.58
- support for subsongs in favourites and playlists (
#song parameter)
- When playing SID files, displaying STIL informations (SID Tune Information List).
- «Ctrl-G» downloads the currently selected file.
- new Scopes:
- HippoScope (with options for amount of points and if they should be connected by lines)
- StereoScope (with options for points/line's width and if lines should be drawn)
- Filled StereoScope
- MultiScope (with options for dynamic or fixed width, points/line's width and if lines should be drawn)
- Filled MultiScope (with options for dynamic or fixed width)
- RuppScope (my own implementation for visualizing audio, or: «butterflies on speed»)
- Preferences:
- Grouped into tabs: «General», «Display-1», «Display-2» and «Play»
- Deep link (direct URL to play a specific track or playlist)
- UHC search limit
- Auto save
- Wake lock (if supported by the browser)
- Show (type of text in the window's titlebar)
- Main font
- Other font
- Skip module after x minutes (if the backend cannot detect an end)
- Position slider
- lazy-Loading of the backends (i.e. the classes are only loaded on first use, this increases TAWS' initial loading speed compared to v0.35 quite a bit)
- miscellanious bug- and layout fixes
- Complete dutch localization - many thanks to Peter Slootbeek
- OS >= 1.2: requester shortcuts: left Alt-key+V for the first, linke Alt-key+B for the last button
- OS > 3.1 (except 3.5): Amiga Early Startup Control will be shown if the Help key (in TAWS «Pause/Break») is being hold, as well.
- OS 3.1.4: RAM fuelbar showing its real size and not always 100%.
- OS 3.5: iconifying of Prefs windows
- OS 3.9 / 4.0: iconifying of Prefs windows and «MultiView»
- OS < 4.1 (except 3.2): Simulation of a ClickToFront bug: doubleclicking an icon also brings the icon's window to the front.
- OS 4.1: iconifying of Prefs windows, «MultiView» and «Shell»
- OS 4.x:
- Requester: support for «Enter» and «Esc» to invoke first and last buttons
- Icons blink if selected by entering their names.
- «Window / Update» is active even if no window is active and will therefor update the Workbench.
- MagicMenuPrefs: added images for «OS 4.1 Sultry» and link that setting for the «OS 4.1 FE» preset.
- MultiView: support for FLAC audio files (if supported by the browser)
- AmigaGuide: implemented a special case for
@{LINDENT x} if used in the 1st line of a node.
- added «WBStartup» icons for various iconsets
- simulation of the files in Ram:ENV
- removed compatibility for Origyn Web Browser, because it's incompatible with modern HTTPS.
- Maiden-Demo: show a message if the browser doesn't support AudioContext.
- Removed «MicroKnight» font and use «MicroKnightPlus» as «MicroKnight».
- «About TAWS» no longer links to Software-Wiki
but to Marjorie-Wiki, as this one is commercial free.
- Bugfixes:
- Odyssey: restored compatibility (broke with v0.35), various compatibility improvements compared to v0.34.
- OS 4.x: no longer show a message in the WB titlebar when when overwriting a file and cancelling the corresponding requester.
- OS 3.1.4 / 4.x: added missing shortcut «Amiga-D» for «Delete».
- Firefox, Prefs windows: layout fix for the lower border if window being active
- Amiga Early Startup Control / Kickstart: layout fix when changing the browser's window size
- Boot with no Startup-Sequence:
- Text got truncated after the © symbol.
- text adjustments for OS 4.0
- OS 4.x: fixed text clipping
- menu width
- Allow renaming an icon if only upper-/lowercase has changed.
(cg) (Translation: dr)
[News message: 07. Nov. 2023, 02:56] [Comments: 0]
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