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Rogue-like game: Rogue Declan v1.1.3
After winning AmiGameJam 2022, Nivrig Games has released a major update to its twin-stick shooter (YouTube video):
  • Over 100 changes since the jam version
  • Four new play modes
  • Improved in game music and effects including a brand new track
  • Lair Rooms: face only dragons, snakes or tanks!
  • Two more ranks to aim for
  • Hard difficulty
  • Fixed seed mode and/or enter your own seed
  • Balance improvements in the normal game
  • Numerous bugs fixed and rough edges smoothed
  • Easter Eggs!
The new modes:

REVERSE: a challenge mode where you start with maximum XP and it drops each time you score! How little can you score and still complete the game?

SURVIVOR: One dungeon, limited life, and no life potions or shop. Stronger demons invade the dungeon over time so search chests for vital upgrades and other items to hold them off.

BERZERK: Start at the hardest difficulty, with all upgrades. Move fast and kill things, your XP decreases with time!

TIMED: Score as much as possible before the timer expires. Collect items to extend your time in the dungeon.

Survivor, Berzerk and Timed modes introduce a new multiplier mechanic! Collect the Soulstuff released by destroyed demons to top up your multiplier, which decreases with time and when you get hit! (dr)

[News message: 24. Oct. 2023, 06:50] [Comments: 0]
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