Mod-Player: HippoPlayer 2.58
Kari-Pekka Koljonen, the developer of the Amiga-MOD players HippoPlayer, has released an update to version 2.58. Changes:
- Starting with command line "HiP "
or with a "Startup" playlist and with random play mode always played the
first entry, not a random entry, fixed this.
- Fix search view sometimes not showing the last two list items.
- Increased the maximum width of the window, so it can be resized wider
than before.
- Loading with "XFDmaster library" was fixed already in the previous
version but I forgot to mention it in the last changelist.
- PlaySid on kickstart 1.3: playing PSIDs on kick 1.3 could
crash previously. There is now a fixed kick 1.3 specific playsid.library
included, which is the latest official original version with some kick 1.3
specific fixes. Use the other included library for newer kickstarts.
- AHI: Improved SBLive compatibility when stopping playback.
New features:
- A new prefs option "Prefs/Play-1/Position slider" enables a
slider in the main window which can be used to select the playing
position. This works for the most common module types supporting
pattern skipping. It also enables seeking locally played
MP3 files.
- Updated 8bitbubsy's xmaplay060 from version v0.41 to v0.46.
[News message: 22. Jun. 2023, 09:27] [Comments: 0]
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