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Background: Influence of the cache on PowerPC CPU (Czech)
Martina Hřebcová is known for her extensive and detailed reports on PowerPC hardware. This time she looks at how big the influence of cache is on the speed of PowerPC CPUs, here in particular the G3 to G5 processors. The starting point for the article was her research on how she could best upgrade her Powermac G4 1.42. She came across a post in the Macrumors forum by user 'Ervus' who had found out that the G4 7457 / 1.6 GHz with a 2 MB L3 cache is faster than the G4 7447 / 2.0 GHz without the L3 cache. Inspired by this, she looked at the other processors and their cache and wrote this article. (dr)

[News message: 15. Jun. 2023, 06:34] [Comments: 0]
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