Christian Zigotzky (Mail)
Linux: Nanosaur V1.44 ported
Nanosaur was released in 1998 by Pangea Software as a Mac exclusive. It was a pack-in game on Macs that came out around that time. Nanosaur casts a cybernetic dinosaur from the future who’s sent back in time 20 minutes before a giant asteroid hits the Earth. The developer 'jorio' has ported the MacOS 8 version with permission of Pangea Software to run on modern systems.
Christian 'xeno74' Zigotzky, in turn, has compiled the source code for 32-bit Linux PPC on the basis of this LinuxPPC port, so that the game runs, for example, with the distribution Fienix on an AmigaOne X1000 or 5000. (dr)
[News message: 16. Apr. 2023, 14:42] [Comments: 0]
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