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Ján Zahurančík (Mail)

Developer package: DevPack 1.2
The free "DevPack" by Dimitris Panokostas and Philipp Lonke is intended for Amiga users who want to develop their own software under AmigaOS. The new version 1.2 provides the following changes:
  • ADDED: AmigaRebol V2 by Carl Sassenrath - the cross platform script language (permission granted by email)
  • ADDED: Earok's Blitz Basic Tutorials (finally integrated ;-)) find it in Blitz Basic drawer
  • ADDED: EVO 3.5.1 by Darren Coles (permission granted by email)
  • ADDED: NDK for OS 3.2R4 (link only)
  • ADDED: M68k targets for vbcc with includes for proper work
  • UPDATED: AmiBlitz 3.9.9 by Sven Droege and supporters - the open source and enhanced Blitz Basic
  • UPDATED: REDPILL 0.9.17 by Zener - a Game Creator with AGA support
  • UPDATED: The latest vasm and vlink have been added to FreePascal too
  • FIXED: AmosPro installation repaired, now it should really work out of the box
  • FIXED: The Path commands from MakeItWork didn't work globally. If you open a shell, path was not added. The "Assign C: path: ADD" is now used that works just fine.

[News message: 10. Apr. 2023, 06:32] [Comments: 0]
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