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Amiga emulator: vAmigaWeb - support for real mouse on iPad
vAmigaWeb is an Amiga emulator for the web browser or a Progressive Web App (PWA) based on the Amiga emulator vAmiga for MacOS.

Just a week ago, the developer 'mithrendal' had updated his emulator - we reported yesterday - to now add another feature: support for real mice on the iPad.

As he explains to us, "it is now possible to connect any mouse to an iPad (the MagicKeyboard even has a trackpad built in), but the movement data of web applications is not (yet) retrieved via the so-called PointerLock API". This makes it difficult to control Amiga games or the Workbench with a real hardware mouse. Since he now has an iPad himself, he was able to implement a fallback solution that does not require the PointerLock API standard, but "works amazingly well". (dr)

[News message: 13. Mar. 2023, 06:18] [Comments: 0]
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