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Puzzle game: Connect 1.2
In the puzzle game "Connect" (screenshots), you have to connect a series of ICs in such a way that each chip receives exactly the number of connections printed on its package. Developer Frank Röger has written about the now released version 1.2:

"Our visit to the Amiga Wintertreffen (Germany) brought some fun as well as some insights: Connect still has some minor bugs.

For example, we found that on a Recalbox (Raspberry Pi + emulation) Connect runs rather suboptimal. The problem is that the game controllers support more than one fire button, which leads to the joystick for the Amiga being configured as a 2-button joystick. We were not able to change this and had to live with it at the meeting. However, that doesn't mean we have to live with it forever and have summarily added support for the 2-button joystick. So now it shouldn't matter which fire button is pressed.

Next point of criticism was (once again) the installation routine. The moment Connect was installed into a subfolder, there was no longer an icon for the Connect folder. We were surprised that we didn't notice this during testing, but have corrected it with the new version. Thanks to Gothor for pointing this out!

The user Afebriwyn has taken the initiative and created a WHDLoad slave for Connect. The special thing about it is that you can run the game without graphic errors even with loaded P96 drivers or very fast CPUs. Thanks to Afebriwyn for this work.

However, we have 2 notes about this:

1. If you use a 68060, you have to use NOMMU in the ToolTypes. The same applies to other CPUs, which are emulated by any FPGAs or the like. If you don't do this, the game will abort with an error message at startup.

2. Because the slave is provided by a third party developer LogicalByte does not support the slave. If you encounter any problems, please contact the e-mail address given in the readme. Thank you for your understanding.

We wish you a lot of fun!" (dr)

[News message: 19. Feb. 2023, 13:16] [Comments: 0]
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