Gunnar Kanold (Mail)
Programming contest: 12th Edition of BASIC 10Liner Contest
Homeputerium is the name of the home computer laboratory of the Eider-Treene school in Friedrichstadt. Using donated computers like Commodore 64, Atari-400, Schneider CPC-464 or Amiga 500 there pupils can make themselves familiar with them and create some sound or colorful lines by writing little BASIC programs.
The organizers wrote: "The BASIC 10Liner Contest started 2011 as a party fun at the NOMAM meeting in Northern Germany. NOMAM means 'Not only marvelous Atari machinery' and is an annual meeting from classic computer enthusiasts. The visitors of the meeting decided to hold a little contest: Write a program in 10 lines of BASIC on Atari Computers! We had loads of fun with programming the whole weekend. 2013 we decided to repeat the contest. This time only games were allowed. In 2014 we opened the 10Liner contest also for programmers who did not visit to the meeting. Owners of other 8 bit computer requested to open the contest for their machines. We met the wish and opened it for all 8 bit computers."
This year marks the twelfth edition of the competition. And even if Amiga computers belong to the 16-bit systems and thus do not fulfil the competition conditions, corresponding entries are included in the category "Wild". This year 'Toolkitman' has already submitted two Amiga projects. These and all other submitted programmes can be found in the overview at bunsen.itch.io.
The deadline for entries is Saturday, 25 March 2023, 18.00 CET. The award ceremony will take place at NOMAM on Saturday, 1 April 2023. (dr)
[News message: 09. Feb. 2023, 21:04] [Comments: 0]
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