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AmigaOS 4: SMB2 handler smb2fs V53.3
The Server Message Block (SMB) is a network protocol for file, print and other server services in computer networks and allows access to files and directories located on another computer (Wikipedia entry). Fredrik Wikstrom's SMB2 handler is based on libsmb2 and allows remote access to files via the SMB2/3 protocols ( reported). Version 53.3, released a few momentsa go, includes the following changes:
  • Added a workaround for smb2_rmdir() not returning an error when trying to delete a non-empty directory.
  • Added support for READONLY switch.
  • If the reported f_blocks is larger than INT32_MAX statfs() will reduce it and compensate by making the block size larger (that way at least programs that use the id_NumBlocks, id_NumBlocksUsed and id_BytesPerBlock fields to calculate used and free percentages will report reasonable results).
The newlib.library V53.40 or newer (or V53.30, included in AmigaOS 4.1 FE) and the filesysbox.library V54.4 or newer are required. (dr)

[News message: 08. Jan. 2023, 19:45] [Comments: 0]
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