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Accelerator board projekt: Buffee developer on the advantages of PJIT
In her blog Renee Cousins, one of the two developers of the turbo card project "Buffee" ( reported), reports about theoretical and practical basics of the project. In two previous blog entries she had compared her emulation solution of the 68k processor under ARM microprocessors, Pseudo-JIT (PJIT), with solutions like Emu68 or UAE (part 1, part 2). In the now published third part of the series, she explains why she thinks PJIT is better than either of the other two strategies.

Also, she writes, the programming of the board is the biggest headache, with a couple of beta boards already destroyed in the process. They are still trying to figure out the timing with the CIA chips (e.g., the talking 6800), but right now ROM and the custom registers are working fine. She could not test the chip RAM because the ROM was blocking access. (dr)

[News message: 16. Nov. 2022, 05:53] [Comments: 0]
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