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Motorola68k emulation: Emu68 tests and driver development for Compute Module 4
Developer Michal Schulz regularly provides background information and status updates on his Motorola68K emulation Emu68 for the ARM architecture on his Patreon page. In his latest entry he not only reports about the experiences on the Amiga37, but also announces that due to the still to be developed firmware for the PiStorm32-lite variant he will use the time to make all necessary improvements and corrections to Emu68 and the low-level drivers, which are necessary to make them work properly with Compute Module 4. These are specifically intended for use in proprietary electronic hardware (see article). If successful, this would give us another variant that could be used in the A500 or A600. (dr)

[News message: 29. Oct. 2022, 05:47] [Comments: 0]
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